People keep seeing ‘they’re trying to stop her abortion’. And thats all well and good...but its not the biggest issue.
People keep seeing ‘they’re trying to stop her abortion’. And thats all well and good...but its not the biggest issue.
It’s shocking that a group like the Republicans, who regularly deny science, has zero understanding of science.
Word, if I was Terry Crews I’d have grabbed back and squeezed.
Good. He’s a rapist and serial abusive groomer from all the reports. Fuck him and his stupid rich man Buddhist bullshit. Cosign MajorBurn and echo, can she clap back Dr. Oz and Phil already.
Smart on her part to un-claim him. May he quickly and quietly disappear into the Sunken Place.
I desperately want someone to heckle him and for him to have a complete freaking meltdown over it.
To be clear, no one said finger waves are “new” or “black” or “owned by black people.” This is just a fun piece, y’all — no animals or white people or flappers were harmed in the writing of this — so please have fun!
11. Every woman cast as Velma Kelly in their local community theater’s production of Chicago.
3. The lead singer of an all-white knockoff of Xscape, called Ovrsee.
I’ll just say I saw this movie yesterday and cried like a baby and everyone should see it. It’s beautiful and strange and satisfying and not your typical Oscar bait yawn fest.
Also, the heroes are a woman with a disability, a black woman, and a gay man and the villain is basically a stand-in for toxic white…
You should read these comments. Or the many messages that are piling up in my inbox from women who are telling me they have literally left the church because of how pastors who say what Gray said have made them feel. You call it a blessing, I call it vile.
I respect Charlamagne,
despite his problematic nature.
I’m an old 37, are these people usually this ignorant? My nephew just had a baby with a beautiful dark skinned girl and she had the nerves to say she was glad her baby had “our” color and not hers. Color-struck negroes are the worst. There are so many crawling around New Orleans it’s ridiculous. I told that dumb girl…