
So they can walk past protestors calling them a murderer? Or get called a slut/whore for having sex in the first place? Or called a sinner or condemned to hell for ending a pregnancy? Or be “just another” black or brown woman putting babies into the already overrun foster care system?

I can’t understand why White people do everything in their power to cancel themselves lol. 

I can’t understand why White people do everything in their power to cancel themselves lol. Like, if you see someone else throw a brick in the air and try to catch it with their face and fail miserably, why would you do the same exact thing?

And if an ALABAMA SORORITY thinks you’re too racist...

Well something happened.

Alpha Phi, a sorority that touts itself as “a sisterhood of outstanding women supporting one another in lifelong achievement,” has yet to make a statement on its member’s actions.”

Ignoring her gross racism for just one second: does anyone under 50 truly not understand that saying or doing dumbshit via social media or any sort of recording device will always always always always always always ALWAYS end up fucking you over?

Kind of a blessing in disguise for racists to film their true feelings for all the world to see. Lord knows nobody was believing the black people when they reported all the racism they witnessed.

I don’t care if it’s Martin Luther King Day.

She was kicked out of the sorority she wanted to be a part of all her life. Ooops and HAAAAA!

Out of state residents are charged a total cost of $45,316 which is 57.2% higher than Alabama residents. The tuition charge is $26,950 while room and board is $13,050, books and supplies are $1,200 and other fees come in at $0.

Both of your assertions are really off base. Katherine’s mom spent most of her time being a religious zealot against the Moors, far from being one of them. I’ve literally seen zero evidence that Katherine could be considered biracial.

For real? That’s him?

Meanwhile, this is the supermodel she’s been fucking:

It actually gets worse if you know a little British history. Turns out that Henry VIII’s first wife, and the mother of Mary I, was known as Catherine of Aragon. Aragon, for those of you who don’t know, was one of the two warring factions that united by marriage to produce a united Spain. The two factions were

The irony is that when Africa said - this is Africa, not Britain - the British said fuck off and claimed them for their empire.

“Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your culture doesn’t mean I hate their race. Just means I don’t want their cultures invading mine,”

Markle’s “seed” will “taint our royal family,” and that “[t]his is Britain, not Africa.”