
I’m an intermittent practitioner, the last time I went I felt like should stand when they asked for visitors.

lolol I’ve never heard of a Badventist but I like it. I no longer practice tho. But years of that repressed SDA upbringing made me into........quite a person lol.

I’m SDA, born, raised and baptized and I eat meat, wear makeup,and horror of horrors.... JEWELRY!!!! I call myself a Badventist.

Excluding my brief fling with CEC-competitor Discovery Zone that summer I let my friends, Seventh Day Adventists, sucker me into attending vacation bible school with them, many of my earliest milestones somehow involved Chuck E. Cheese’s, “where a kid can be a kid.”

French women are cool girls who don’t care about infidelity.

The French in general seem to have a shitty attitude towards sexual harassment and abuse just in general.

Many of them are also notable assholes to begin with, which, from what I hear, includes Deneuve.

please god tell me this is the end of everybody wanting to be like those mythological French Women that hack journalists write articles about, that never get fat and always dress better than us.

Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?

Moderators must be working over time because where are the trolls? Usualy when you get a shout this big from the right, their trolls come at you with everything they’ve got. Fox “news” exists to make white people feel good about being white. So expect a lot more of this since their savior is a racist, addle brained

A couple things:

Me when I see him acting in Star Trek Into Darkness:

5. Use the bathroom, which is my favorite part of my day, because I get to wipe my black-ass ass with white-ass toilet paper.

Could be. He looks more like a warm bagel fucker than a harasser.

When Tucker Carlson starts talking reckless about you...that means you doing something right.

Isn’t he like the only reporter they have left given the others can’t keep their hands to themselves.

60-70% won’t read it and that’s their loss. 25% won’t read it but will get very angry which is our gain in hilarity.

Spring rolls?!!

Is it bad that I just sent the Orange Musollini a tweet asking what the entire fuck is wrong with him? Then proceeded to mention his small penis...?