
Rural white Kentuckian here, I grew up thinking that the confederate flag was a symbol of people who are ignorant, low class, and perhaps inbred.

Oh c’mon - what’s not to like? He bullied the Lakers into taking his son with the #2 overall pick and is in the process of wrecking the basketball careers of his other two. I can’t begin to touch that kind of effectiveness.

I’d first like to say that I am against bullying. But folks donated $60k for this boy getting bullied, but get mad when folks talk about reparations for slavery. What was that money even supposed to do? It wasn’t going to an anti-bullying campaign or organization, just straight to someone’s pockets.

I’m finna start a whole viral hashtag promotional campaign extravaganza on the Twittering mechanism w/ #MeNeither...

You know that movie thing when Liam Neesons or whoever has a headache and presses the bridge of his nose right between his eyebrows and does that exhausted and pained im-just-about-done-with-these-kidnapping-wolf-nazi-sith-motherfuckers sigh?

Yesterday, I explicitly said “Fuck you” to a co-worker about this. When he heard the news about Ashawnty and the gofundme, he started in on the “Why doesn’t her mother have life insurance for her?” But then this bastard proudly announced that he donated to that questionable fund for that boy. Maybe it’s due to the

“Let’s be crystal clear about something: You fly and/or celebrate that flag, you’re a bully. That flag came to be a popular symbol during the breakdown of segregation to bully blackness and everyone who believed in one, undivided America, whether people today realize that or not. And most of them do.”

No, this born and raised Texan HATES this damn flag. I would never have one in my home or in my possession. I am actually antagonistic to the assholes with the “Heritage Not Hate” bumper stickers.

Well that clears up everything. /s.

“I mean I feel like we’re not racist...”

It’s so cute (not really) how she keeps trying to make herself look as ethnic as possible judging from that header photo. I legit thought it was Zendaya at first. Also, Kylie sucks and needs to go away forever and disappear down the hole.

I could never be jealous of a woman who paid to get the features I was gifted with naturally—also, I’m Black Girl Magic—tuh

Bless her heart.

It still baffles me that all these white women are coming out and talking about their disdain for sexual harassment and sharing their stories of being victims of sexual harassment, yet 53 percent of white women voted for a man, who has openly admitted to sexual predatory behavior towards women. I totally despise any

So, now he’s piss-poor?

It’s not a coincidence that Harvey Weinstein felt very comfortable clapping back at Lupita Nyongo when she came forward.

You was talking to the wrong guy. You wanted the krampus.