How dare he use his victim’s plea to be left alone for his own end. This man is despicable.
To everyone saying this interview has a number of abusive hallmarks, let me add one more: this is the same couple that decided to totally isolate themselves for some insanely long period after the birth of their child, and he was particularly gung-ho about the idea. Which means we now have isolation, coercion,…
That’s what I keep thinking! Like, does he not know that birth control pills are actually prescribed for a lot of medical conditions totally unrelated to preventing pregnancy?
In the dick.
If Mr. Slackss threw out my birth control pills he’d get thrown out. And possibly punched.
Can you imagine if instead she had said that she lied about taking birth control or poked holes in condoms? Guarantee they wouldn’t have thought it was funny.
Newsflash, Ian. The only people who should be part of deciding when your wife and you are ready to have kids are, stay with me here, YOUR WIFE AND YOU! Not your best friends. What kind of marriage is this?
I’m so confused how this is any kind of charming.
I shudder to think of what would have happened if Nikki had an IUD.
If Dr. Berlin did not bring up “reproductive coercion” in the podcast, someone should contact the California medical board.
I’d like to see how “cute” my partner thought it was when I was weeping in agony from my next period.
Somewhere, there is a divorce laeyer tap dancing and screaming “He made a VIDEO”!!! This guy is next to tRump in the horrible person contest.
What the actual fuck? This is horrific. This fucking asshole should be in jail. It’s not cute, or charming, it’s sexual assault and abuse. I hope to heaven she wises up and get the fuck out of this “relationship.”
What th FUCK. This is reeeeeeeally not okay. If my partner had done this, we’d be divorced, not pregnant. Men: taking reproductive choices away from women is not funny, cute, or romantic. Someone please clue in (republican) congress 😑.