True, I’m not immune to a syrup and butter sandwich, but I mean c’ put sugar in my grits and I’m judging your entire life. It’s not right.
True, I’m not immune to a syrup and butter sandwich, but I mean c’ put sugar in my grits and I’m judging your entire life. It’s not right.
Who is out here ruining grits w/ sugar? Show yourselves.
I feel like this should be the new “Negro community frowns upon your shenanigans” photo.
All Black people are born with the ancestral talent of being UNBOTHERED. Zimbabwe’s government/Mugabe has been devoid of f*cks to give since 1980, so...
They all have the face of when you just want to eat and your grandpa’s friend is being super extra with blessing.
Girls was all about fuck-ass white girls doing fuck shit. It wasn’t boring, it was infuriating.
Ha! They couldn’t look anymore bored than if they were watching an episode of “Girls.”
Eh. The ‘black belts’ I’ve met have all been small-minded chucklefucks, so from *my* perspective there’s no shortage of prospects.
Don’t do it my Friend: Wine isn’t the answer. You are going to wake up from this and still remember the horrible shit that went down at the U.N yesterday.....
Yeah, Benny, get up in there nice and deep like.
Netanyahu is fucking high.
“It is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights, or let it fall into a valley of disrepair.”
I keep wanting to watch videos of Barack Obama to remember what it was like when we had a coherent, mature, well-spoken adult in the White House. But the problem is, it just makes me so incredibly sad that I can’t do it. How is it that just a year ago, we were at least on the road to fixing some horrible shit in this…
Cancel the appt. You won’t need teeth.
General Kelly is in an eternal state of job regret.
“ I guess we’re having a nuclear war tomorrow”
“We are prepared to shelter people once the cities and county shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm in helping our fellow citizens rebuild their lives.”