
It wasn’t nursing but I had a masters class on “cultural diversity” and our professor wanted to assign us racial groups to do a presentation on. All I remember is I was assigned Native Americans and all it said was don’t make eye contact and they’re probably all drunks, because Native Americans just get depressed and


Hispanic section!

I hate to say it but the culture section of any nursing textbook that tries to go into the subject is often full of racist and stereotypical garbage. I would argue about test questions that contained things I knew to either be false or not true across the board. I had a textbook that claimed that African Americans

Direct eye contact is unacceptable even between friends. Touch is acceptable between friends and family. There is no touching between strangers.

The double-standard of that segment of America is...horrifying to even contemplate on. A black person ALLEGEDLY kills a white person, and it’s all hands on deck to get revenge. A white person actually DOES kill a black person, IN COLD BLOOD, with video footage of the whole event, and it’s “Nah, it’s all good. You’re

I don’t care what she thinks. She’s a murderer. And that’s that on that on that.

This is:


* Slimeball Dude has affair with Lady who has no idea his wife is pregnant or that they’re not separated

Omg, so horrible and hilarious! This dude always reminds me of a thumb with a goatee drawn on it.

So, Timeline, as I for some reason wanted to get this all straight:

Nothing like firing off a bunch of tweets to reclaim your reputation


Miller is claiming that his wife is delighted to welcome his son into the world and into the family? I love it how he’s using his wife and kids as a shield. Really classy, guy. Family values man, all the way.

Hopefully the baby got her chin.

If my husband had a child with someone else I would be excited in a rage blackout kind of way

She sabotaged herself.

She could do some pretty nifty choreography in a Hoveround.

6.5 years doesn’t seem long enough for this shit if you ask me.