Jo Bruski

There’s an aftermarket lift-kit in the works and BFG agreed to make some really small MTs.

Land Rover announced the “pushchair” on Thursday and called it a “tribute to Land Rover’s breadth of capability.”

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

What’s handsome equivalent terminology for whitewashing? Hunkdunking?


This is going to sell like crazy in Vancouver.

felix should step this up and make a Singer-like Saab shop except not charge $500k. something more like $50k and one of these things would fucking teleport to my driveway

Félix Lamontagne > Celine Dion > Keanu Reeves > Justin Trudeau > Drake 

Félix Lamontagne, our Lord and Saabior.

The third pic is interesting.
The plate reads “Suéduisante”.
It’s a pun combining Suède (Sweden) et séduisante (seductive).

clownrows, bro

Brooklyn 99 is the superiest show

I miss the first time you said that.

The point is that most people do see Jim as a picture perfect rom-com star. How many Tinder profiles say “I’m just looking for my Jim Halpert?” All of them, that’s how many. But in reality, Jim is a mediocre-at-best spouse, friend, and employee who gets by on a handsome face and an ability to avoid confrontation

Being nostalgic over a nostalgic portrayal of nostalgia is onanism.

If mid westerners keep buying it, why the hell would I change it?

Do we though? Truly? Or do we really already know?

“It’s ok guys. It was a white car. It was merely foraging.... not looting like those black cars”

Good thing it wasn’t a black car

Are they losing power?