
Stars in a Victor Salva movie.

It used to be inside the rectangle graphic where the grade, runtime, cast etc is. There’s be a section for “Available On Netflix August 22nd”.

I know there is a logo on the video and the end of the trailer says “In select theaters and streaming on Paramount+ August 19th,” but given the huge varieties of streaming services and release strategies that exist these days, I don’t think it asking too much to put that information in the actual article instead of

But if we’re making a show called “The Lord Of The Rings,” one must assume that eventually, there will be a season about the book The Lord Of The Rings.

I don’t know why but when narrator-Nathan reveals that the skeet guns are loaded with blanks, I laughed until I cried.

My friends and I were cry-laughing at parts. I went in thinking it was going to be a more subdued Nathan For You because the reviews implied it was light on laughs, but holy shit no, it’s like the Smokings Allowed episode stretched out into a series, I couldn’t be more happy 

I found a number of moments hilarious on top of the one you mentioned:

It’s nuts that so few reviews I’ve read of this focus on the humor, or view the humor as incidental. This episode was chock full of belly laughs for me, especially when he incepts Kor the trivia answers (“It’s moments like these I curse the Chinese for inventing gunpowder”). I get that the deep introspective stuff is

No. James Gunn lost his job because conservatives were butthurt over Roseanne losing her job and caused a stink. Even though there’s a massive difference between comparing a Black woman to a character from Planet of the Apes when you’re the star of a Disney owned sitcom and making sick jokes a decade before you were

Dude... You are putting way too much work into this pointless pedantry. Who gives a shit whether people are literally afraid of fat people or not? We all understand what the term means when we hear it.

It has already been pointed out that phobia in this sense doesn’t just mean hatred but also an irrational fear or dislike of a specific thing or group of people. This society is extremely fatphobic. Recently someone came up with an idea for a device that wires your mouth shut such that all you are able to eat is a

Oh, don’t do that. Homophobia doesn’t literally mean scared of gay people. The phrasing is also used to refer to dislike or prejudice. This isn’t new, and you’re being disingenuous.

You realize the information that you can currently access =/= what other people saw previously, right? It’s entirely absurd if you expect everybody is always operating on the full breadth of information available.

Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.

Great, but you misleadingly twisted what Sam said, by averring that he called the *novel* “b-tier”, which, as a ‘misunderstanding’, is quite a stretch.

it’s uncorroborated information given to the police department after a number of complaints.

Holy shit, dude. Do you really not realize that it’s impossible to prove a negative? How is someone supposed to prove that something didn’t happen? The burden is on the person making the claim to show that it did happen.

I saw you fucking a cheesegrater in the parking lot of a TGI Fridays back in 2014.

Oh fuck off with the whole equating Hart to Gunn schtick. The only similarity between the two is that they lost a gig over tweets made years ago, the differences between the two situations are numerous and important. The actions and deliberations of their employers in each case was entirely different, the actions of