
Yeah, let’s not do the illegal thing so we can keep the status quo of systemic discrimination against minorities of all types.

Hopefully so. This is an old argument. “Affirmative action/positive discrimination is racism*” Well yeah, but AA doesn’t add racism into a perfect system, it rebalances the unwritten racism that’s already there. It’s better that it be against the over represented than the under represented, to balance shit out. When

I can just imagine Matt Damon after sending out his press release, looking smugly in the mirror, patting himself on the back, thinking “I did it, thanks to me, we’ve solved sexism in Hollywood.”

Yeah! How dare women expect to be treated like they make up half the population!

There is only one place Lockjaw Belongs. Or in his own Benji like series, where he travels the world, brings people together, and fights crime.