
Day one patches are common because games are exponentially more complex than they were back when patches weren’t a thing.

People driving around unbuckled are common because they can do it. If the ability to operate a vehicle was non-existent unless your belt was fastened there would be no people unbuckled.

equating dramas that contain murder with torture porn or snuff films is just ... silly.

that may be true but using it still only effected your experience

We’re all in this together.

Idk thats kind of a reach there.. they are remaking the game not building a brand new one. The template and foundation was already there and to be honest there is only like one known bad metroid game(and honestly no one complains about other m’s gameplay.. they complain about the story) I think we tend to over react

Best grab it now before nintendo nukes it.

This is my actual nightmare

The author isn’t kicking Sega down; he’s relaying the truth about the situation with the mini Sega Genesis. The fact that this console is releasing (“being rehashed” is a better way to describe it honestly) around the same time with a similar price point as the NES Mini is *purely* coincidental. Every other news

Oh geez, sorry dude. Unless you’re username is meaningful and then I’m pissed.

She sounds like a keeper.

I have always found issues of diet have always been an upper-middle class obsession. Everything from Atkins to this gluten-free vegan craze is usually the product of people who worry less about the money needed to purchase than the origin of their leafy green or their eggs. I grew up around mostly poor people and I

My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.

no, because most people possess the capacity to separate fiction and reality.

“Dearest Mom and Dad:

I think Orlando Bloom’s penis is just fine. Not great, not terrible.

Your Son”

It may or may not be foreign-backed. Knowing that the developers are from Belarus and that the game is set in the 80s, they may have used the birth of militant 3rd-wave feminism in England in the 70s and 80s as the inspiration for the feminist event in the game.

I won’t watch Law & Order: SVU. Sexual assault is not entertainment. I’m starting to feel concerned with murder being entertainment, but I’m not sure I can give up my cozy mysteries, but I’m beginning to feel ethically challenged by them.

Chloë Grace Moretz wants you to know that is is a grown woman with agency, and I am here for it. (Also, was I the only one who still thought her boyf, the son of Posh Spice and a British washboard who sometimes ears boxer-briefs?) (Mortality, amirite?).

Totally agree with you! Although I’m ashamed to say I actually liked the Hunger Games movies. But at least the whole time my husband and I had “wtf am I watching!?” faces and seriously judge anyone who lets their younger kids see them.

Is it wrong that I really really hate that dress? In a way that I’ve lost some measure of respect for her? God I feel shallow