
Why must skinny people interject themselves everywhere? You’re already all over tv, movies, and print media. Aren’t you satisfied?

She’s adorable! I would love for her to carry me around in public like a baby.

His arrows (hitbox) are actually size of tree trunks.... Blizzard will change projectile hitboxes between versions to balance the game.

“Maining” in 2016

Dammit it all to hell, I’m only now noticing your username. Why did I even bother.

It’s part of the reason, but the hitbox on Hanzo’s arrows are legitimately enormous regardless of tick rate.

In my opinion and experience, that soft “Hey” is a gentle, tentative expression of the joy of discovering each other in this uniquely intimate way. I find it adorable and return it, as in the concluding paragraph here.

What you said is a very obvious and broad. You said nothing other than, “This happens because people can.”
Great insight.

I don’t need to be witty when I tell you that none of that matters. I was right in my statement.

Wow. You have the perfect username. Kudos.

This is really the direction I wish more people would go. Metroid belongs to Nintendo. With the time and energy they’ve put into someone else’s property, they could have made their own game, released it, and even tried to make some money off of it.

Highly unlikely. They just don’t like people giving away their IP for free.

I got the lot of ya in one comment!

Think of X-mas. with is also the festival day of the unconquered Sun.

There would also be a giant list of features cut to make that date that thanks to the lack of the internet, you’d never know about. Also, games were exponentially smaller and had fewer failure points, such as online connectivity. Don’t compare apples to oranges. Things weren’t better in the “good ol’ days,” just

Back in the SNES days my favorite mom and pop (without the mom because she was a bitch that took his original store and ran it into the ground) video game store got a hold of a beta MKII. You could do a finishing move at any point in the fight. It was awesome.

many 8 and 16 bit games had patched versions in further releases, either for local o international releases

I mean, of course there weren’t day one patches in the pre-internet era. But there were fixes and improvements made post-release that would come out on later versions of the same game.

Well, we know you and nine others didn’t bother reading the article.