
I get your point, but the point of The Hunger Games was that it was disgusting and vile to put kids in an arena to fight to the death. The people who made them do that were the bad guys, and the privileged who watched it for fun were disgusting and vile too. Finally the contestants (mostly adults by this point) decide

I’m going to go out on a limb and say, no. They wouldn’t line up to watch gladiators get ripped apart by lions. Watching GoT is not the same thing as perusing gore sites.

Could she at leas sit on the white one?

A) I bought Overwatch, it’s not F2P.

Dota or LoL....or hell even HotS.

So how was the film Ebert? Hand still sticky from Harley Quinn?

You got some reeeaaal beef with Ohio goin there. Who’s to say the people of that fine state won’t get a chance to catch a legendary, just because it’s not cold enough? Even Lebron moved there to get away from the heat.

Look to the Luna

Hah OK Mr. Angry. Done.

I was honestly excited for the movie, as the premise is interesting. The reviews make me think that this is a dollar movie for me. Bummer.

I see what you’re saying, but I didn’t interpret it that way and I felt that the books did her and her fragile psyche more justice.

Oh no I like both, and I actually agree that’s the version that really captures who she is as a character. Characters in comics have to evolve. But the origin is usually always what we think of when we think of the hero. That’s what captures the essence of the character because it captures the inner conflict that made


This. What about in BTAS when Joker insults Harley and calls out to her to find his shoes, then realized he threw her out on the street and comments “...but she’s always come back before!” In other words, he abuses and degrades her in a regular basis in the show and expects her to always come crawling back bc she’s

No, Gail Simone wrote incredibly engaging material with a similar set of characters in Secret Six. (Deadshot was in that too.) The material could have been great in competent hands.

There was a deeper meaning though, and that was demonstrated in her story arc. She wasn’t abused just for laughs. If a character is abused, with no context, no story arc, then it’s just for laughs. Obviously, as everyone knows, she was abused. But it wasn’t just for laughs. The point was that the Joker was her

lol. I watched BvS on Comcast OnDemand and literally sat there through the credits for nothing and wanted to rage. (Also I was pretty aggravated at how the last hour sucked). When I say end of credits...I mean end. :D

“Eardrum-puncturingly bad”, huh? I’ve always heard it as ‘ear-splittingly’, but hey, I never went to college.

I changed it. I misread the original article, you just get limited edition boxes alongside the event. But they do come from regular XP grind.

harley did not exist before BTAS.. she was created by paul dini and bruce timm for the show. the first comic with her backstory.. also by them. the cartoon does show a lot regarding her mental illness and abuse. you’re pretty much wrong on all counts here.