
No, Gail Simone wrote incredibly engaging material with a similar set of characters in Secret Six. (Deadshot was in that too.) The material could have been great in competent hands.

There was a deeper meaning though, and that was demonstrated in her story arc. She wasn’t abused just for laughs. If a character is abused, with no context, no story arc, then it’s just for laughs. Obviously, as everyone knows, she was abused. But it wasn’t just for laughs. The point was that the Joker was her

lol. I watched BvS on Comcast OnDemand and literally sat there through the credits for nothing and wanted to rage. (Also I was pretty aggravated at how the last hour sucked). When I say end of credits...I mean end. :D

“Eardrum-puncturingly bad”, huh? I’ve always heard it as ‘ear-splittingly’, but hey, I never went to college.

Clearly it was wasted, because it was aimed at you, and you are an empty vessel I’m afraid.

I changed it. I misread the original article, you just get limited edition boxes alongside the event. But they do come from regular XP grind.

That’s legit true.

The first on screen portrayal of Harley Quinn is a fucking joke. They butchered everything about her character. Her and Joker both are just empty shells of what their characters are supposed to be that went on Hot Topic shopping spree’s.

I liked it, and unlike another reviewer, I found Chris Hemsworth’s role tedious. Take your mom!

Why does it have to be sexist. I mean, even if the characters are, the film doesn’t have to be. Anyway the critics are saying is boring and dumb, not too violent and sexy.

I think they expected a passably decent film, in that regard they were totally let down. This is pg-13, critics sit through movies like the nc-17 anti-christ where a guy gets his dick sawed off. This is a children’s film that’s just plain bad. Get over yourself.

You’re right. A psychiatrist who falls in love with a patient and lives a Stockholm-filled life isn’t dull. Neither is a guy who can shoot real gud. Or how about that shady government agent? No, not that one, the other one. The other one. The oth- you get it. And billionaire playboy who uses his gadgets that

I agree with you about the other four but the only time I’ve ever found any version of Deadshot interesting is this last season of the Flash. I’m hoping he’ll be fun in the movie.

The general, non-comics public doesn’t know who the hell most of these people are. The movie has mostly been marketed as a semi-comedic romp featuring quirky people not sadists and whatnot. And it’s possible to make seriously violent, even macho movies that are still a lot of fun (Tarantino and Guy Ritchie at their

Huh? Your original post asked what these reviewers expected. They expected a turd. It could have surprised them by being good, but it didn’t. They still watched it and reviewed it because... well, that’s their jobs. Movie reviewers don’t just go to see good movies, they go to see shit ones, like Suicide Squad clearly

It’s cute how yo u see complaints about the plot, pacing, editing... and reduce it down to something none of them said.

harley did not exist before BTAS.. she was created by paul dini and bruce timm for the show. the first comic with her backstory.. also by them. the cartoon does show a lot regarding her mental illness and abuse. you’re pretty much wrong on all counts here.

Honestly, I’m disappointed. Somewhere in my tiny, shriveled heart of hearts I wanted this to turn out well.

Should have gone for an R rating.

The written word is wasted on you, you’ll just draw your own bloody conclusions.