
I don't think they were really foreign-backed feminists. Just the excuse whoever is ordering you to do this stuff is using to get you to do it.

It is both silly ol’ sheep. He incites the riots, yes, but not because he hates the police. He wants the riots to happen so he can have a reason to empower the police over the citizens. Instead of making fun of others you should try opening your eyes instead.

Whatever happened to the Elderscroll days of “You fucked up and killed an essential character. Restart at an earlier save or click okay to continue living in a world you cannot save.”?

And totally butt naked too!

Kudos for them on making this decision even though it seems it was more because of money than morals. You take what you can get these days.

No. Sadly enough this means she is racist. She is a person of power literally sitting on her employees, particularly the black one. This is textbook racism.

Actually there are a few people on this very post that have complained they bought boxes but didn't get the skin they wanted.

It isn’t the I cannot earn everything. It is the “I only want the DVA skin but probably won’t get it so could I please buy with coins instead or how bout you let me trade the two summer legendary skins I got for characters I never play for it instead?”

I gave the film 2 strokes and a squirt. Or at least that is what the film gave me.

Perfection is the only way they are going to find this Sombra character.

Glad to hear that you are done. What you were doing was not healthy. It is great that you are just letting it go.

Gotcha. One last thing. Is Harley a hero or anti-hero now? Seems like that is what they were leading her to be. I am all for reformed villain heroes (Venom, Vegeta, Starlight Glimmer) but I think I would prefer Harley to stay a villain.

I had another long but neat argument with another commenter about how Harley just started off as a goofy punching bag side kick but eventually was fleshed out into a tragic character in the episode where she captures batman and put in a body cast by the Joker for it. This episode you also find out she was a rookie

It took me reading some of your other comments to see what your getting at. I was just pointing out that Harley was originally created to be a punching bag for the Joker. You are pointing out that because of the tragedy she has gone through and now that in her new comics she is a fully fleshed out character, it is

It is good to remind yourself to do that. Sometime the world just seems to much to handle and you just have to stop and breathe.

Not sure what you are referring to.

Because it wasn’t till later that they delved into her backstory that you find all this abuse is quite tragic and not the Joker just being his goofy, violent self, but a horrible, manipulative abuser. In fact it was the episode of where she was shoved out the window where she was really explored. Honestly her being

No, you are wrong and the other guy is right. B:TAS does address why she does what she does. It does show how she tried to analyze the joker and ended up falling for him instead. It does show the abuse. It does show the on and off relationship with Joker and Ivy. I am guessing you did not watch the whole run and

EDIT: Nvm. I see what you are talking about now.

I just got done jacking it to some porn, so you are correct. And may I also remark that you are pretty eloquent with words.