
You get loot boxes from specifically playing brawl this month? Or you just talking about regular ol’ xp grind?

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of this was done by players upset that they cannot grind and/or buy all the new limited edition skins/content.

Can you ungrey me before you go? Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top?

That is an opinion I can get behind.

Glad you agree with me.

I loved him in the Justice League Unlimited version of the suicide squad.

Still wasn’t fair. Doesn’t seem like any type of critic I would put much stock in.

Um, you cannot waste words. They are just there and there is a never ending supply of them. If what you said was true then you wasted a whole sentence.

Aww... you think I’m cute. Thank you for the compliment. I bet you are the looker yourself. You are charming.

Then just don’t watch it. When you get angry at movies you don’t want to see, you get ulcers. And trust me, you don’t want ulcers, they suck.

What the hell is soupcon? Damn you kids these days are just making up words now.

Yeah Harley in her original clown outfit would be nice, but that is how she is in these new Comics. And according to other people in this post, this is how she is most well written and interesting now. New Harley is way better than old Batman:TAS Harley.

No, I think they were expecting a bad film.

Yup. Speling usually halps out a bit when you are trying to get a poient across.

Yup. That is how things work. Although you know what is pathetic. Using the word pathetic to describe someone you don’t know. I never did anything to you. Why are you so angry at me? If I personally offended you in some manner I apologize for that.

Eh... haven’t read it. I loved Harley back in Batman:TAS. She was perfectly fine back then.

Thanks for the end credits heads up. I hated that I waited in BvS so long for nothing.

I find it funny too. I never knew we had so much in common. Twinsies!

I get that but if you are looking for that type of movie, a movie about a team of supervillains doing government sanctioned bad stuff isn’t the movie you should be watching then.

Wow, I haven't seen Strong Bad in years. It was just random junk off the top of my head. But I did love me some Strong Bad.