
I bet a vaper threw his/her e-cig out the window and caused these fires. I swear vapers will stop at nothing to destroy the world with their nasty habit.

Sure it does. Just because you say something doesn’t make a counter-argument does not make what you just said a counter-argument. Carry on “Paradise02".

You set the difficulty setting when you picked what type of settler you were (I think they were banker, carpenter, and farmer) and what time of season you left. Being a banker gave you more money but a lower score at the end, and the same was for the time of season you left.

Hey whatever logic helps you sleep at night. I never expected to change the mind of pirates. I just like poking fun at their logic that helps them think what they are doing is okay. It is wrong despite whatever metal exercise you use to try to convince others otherwise and that is why we have laws for that. And unlike

Welp, you got me. Can’t argue with that. You win.

Aside from hipsters and food snobs (yes the two can exist independently) I do no think anybody was afraid of American cheese. But it is still good to put the word out.

What the hell ever. Government Cheese was the best freaking cheese ever, and then rich people had to go and ruin it for everybody.

Despite being fine with everything else, the one thing I will not got used to is those weird shaped proton blasters.

Is it not an unreasonable law and request that you do not pirate media that you never paid for? It seems like you are arguing the fact of actually buying media and then using an alternate method of using said media not originally intended. While that is against terms, this has already been shown that is not against

Sure it is. You are depriving money from a developer when you take their games and fail to pay them for their work. And the fact that you can do it over and over makes it even worse. You are just using poor reasoning to think that what you are doing is not depriving them of anything. I used to think like you but then

I’ve always heard about Mint but never tried it. Is it that much better than Ubuntu? Ubuntu is starting to seem bloated. How easy is it to install Mint? Does it work off a thumb drive like Ubuntu?

Exactly. That's why I used that example. You still have to pay for the internet and devices to use the digital media, but you stiff the people who do the hard work to make the media. Even though you paid money to other people, Bob was not compensated in anyway for his work. Thank you for helping me prove my point.

Yup. When I was a kid I was a huge pirate. Then I became a programmer and realized how much work went into this. Never pirated after that. Just took some life lessons and maturity to realize what I was doing was wrong. My priorities are in order.

Folks are just going to use the argument that you are physically depriving Bob of a physical good, unlike digital media, which is just data. Actually if you want to be like a pirate, you should hire farmer Bob to come to your house, give him materials to make you a tiny garden, and then don’t pay him a thing. At this

Sure there is. You just choose to move the definitions to suit your needs just as I did.

That is a lot of big words in that. I have no clue what you just said.

Torrenting will always be okay and never be illegal. It is sites like these that are truly demonized. Sites like these only serve the use of illegal piracy. Sure they have their legal uses but that is only a front for the illegal activity that is conducted in the back. Fronts are nothing new. Legal torrenting is

You only think publishers are obligated only to work with your reasoning in trying to convince yourself what you are doing is okay. It is not and you are a criminal in doing so. Congratulations. You are not fighting legal slave trading. You are not fighting for civil rights. You are fighting to be a cheap bastard. You

Oops. On my other post I thought you were the other guy I was talking to when I mentioned trying to find a winning argument elsewhere. My apologies on that. I myself am a programmer and a bit passionate about piracy. I like trolling pirates whenever I can. Their mental gymnastics they use to rationalize being

You sound like a pirate. No morals at all. Complete your latest Game of Thrones downloads yet?