
You thought what I posted was a big deal? I typed a few words. It didn’t take much effort. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m a troll and you bit the bait hard.

Never used Skype?

I was hoping one of the uses would be “calling someone”. Missed opportunities even if it is low hanging fruit.

Did you just assume I was Republican (I am a registered Democrat) or are you just making a general sweeping statement?

All that shows me is that Ali did not understand the term draft dodging or its official term draft evasion.

Draft evasion is refusing to serve. Just about everybody who replied to me thinks draft dodging or its official term draft evasion only includes people who ran off to Canada and the like. When in fact it just means you illegally refused military service when drafted. If you are drafted, go up to the draft board, and

Makes you wonder who took his place and died pointlessly as you put it or was lucky and came back only to be shunned by society, while Ali stayed here and became a “hero” by punching people.

Oh you mean because the appeals board fucked up their paperwork, and his conviction was overturned by a technicality and not by the merits of his arguments? Yeah, like I said in the other post, I acknowledge that he did not evade service at all and that I was wrong. Also I have already apologized.

Edit: Decided otherwise. Just gonna leave it as it is. My work is already done here.

Oh so he did end up enlisting and fighting in the war. Thank you for correcting me. Turns out I had it wrong all this time. My apologies.

No... because that would make it 70.

This is the math of God. Keep up your holy work.

He was also pretty good at dodging the draft too!

He dodged the draft of the same war my father was drafted into. So yes, he was far from perfect.

I always found it interesting people in northern states and those on the coast have a hard time in greeting people they do not know. Here in Texas, I’ll come up to you, have a chat with you, and end up getting your whole life story if there is time. If I’m out running, you will always get a “howdy” or “evening” from

I said neither. I commented on the FACT that A Clockwork Orange is hot shit. The smelly oozy kind. And I’ll add this time that people only think it is a good movie because Kubrick.

So someone is posting something that someone else doesn’t want posted because it tarnishes their image? Sounds like Patricia should take a page out of the Hulkster’s book and sue. Maybe even get a disgruntled billionaire to fund the whole thing.

You didn't see Alex going to prison coming from a mile away? I sure did.

Honestly, I was not even aware that it was a book. Learn a little every day.

No. Pedophile.