
The “research” they do uses the stomachs, not the meat. It is perfectly legal for them to sell the meat and is actually encouraged so it is not wasted.

Well separated their bombs don't have much impact. Bring them together and they can destroy the whole place. Duh.

Hot take coming at ya... A Clockwork Orange was terrible shit. Very bad shit. And predictable. /endhottake

Spoiler alert!

Nah. They are professionals.

I actually liked Prince of Persia.

Wait, so you actually watch you hentai dvds on the TV, and not on your PC with the door shut?

I like how all the people in Battlefield consent to me shooting them. I mean they wouldn’t be dressed that way if they were not asking for it, amirite?

Lettuce, gay bacon, and tomato.


Double negatives... my head hurts.

Car divers are afraid that motorcyclist will laugh at them. Motorcyclist are afraid that car divers will kill them.

Are you sure they are not actually trying to state the fact that they do care a little so they have the capacity to actually care less?

They would have not be able to do that unless Clint Eastwood was there. Once shot, that gorilla would of not stood still. Good luck on hitting a moving target and trying to kill it in one shot while not hurting the boy as well. They took the only logical, safe option.

On Adult Swim... ugh. It is going to be terrible.

But Kool-Aid Man brings you Kool-Aid and fun times.

I love a good surprise ending. I did not see that coming and laughed pretty hard about it.

Anybody else think the pic up top looks like an infinitely cooler and much more badass Kanye West?

At first I was like “What, is Storm chopped liver?” and then I was like, “Oh... yeah...”