
Except fair use does not apply here. Kind of like how people say free speech does not apply in private forums like YouTube, neither does fair use. YouTube makes the rules. Users have to follow those rules or they can self publish elsewhere. No laws are really broken here once this stuff is covered in the user

Trix changed their formula around that time. The biggest change was they went from using pure sugar to some weird, nasty as shit, sweetener.

These guys are always relevant.

So you are agreeing with me then? She had the gun in a purse without a holster and the trigger was most likely pulled by something inside the purse.

Padme actually gave R2 to Anakin as a gift after he became a knight and gave her his padawan braid. Also Anakin’s droid before that, R4, was destroyed by Ventress and he had yet to get a replacement. As for 3po belonging to Padame, don’t think they ever actually pointed that out.

Padame gave R2 as a gift to Anakin during the clone wars cartoon. Not the CGI one but the one made by the guy who did Samurai Jack. It was in response to him giving her his padawan braid after he became a knight.

About at the 3rd picture: tl;dr.

Even though he would be part of “world’s greatest patent trolls dlc”, there is no denying he was still a great scientist.

The title of the articles says “world’s greatest scientists”.

The end times are upon us. Buy gold now!

I’m not fancy enough to have a separate dining room. However most people I know who do have such archaic chambers, yes they are carpeted or have at least a huge rug. All that chair shuffling would scratch the hell out of a hard floor.

Just curious. Can you actually reach your foot up to a person’s mouth at a standing position? Let’s say to a height about 5'8"? Got a photo?


You mad bro?

I wonder if Gawker’s new owner, Hulk Hogan, is in those papers as well. Yuk yuk yuk.

I would imagine you could just spray it on your butthole. Then you wouldn’t need toilet paper.

I only played the first Halo once with a nephew. If that is so, then Microsoft naming their phone assistant Cortana seems like a ballsy move.

Fancy people who still use things like “dining rooms.” I myself have my couches scotchgarded so I am fine with my eating area.

Tyranny is a strong word. Megatron is technology that is tyrannical. I am not even sure what the hell the even mean by this phrase. Is my Windows phone actually plotting to enslave the human race? I just cannot imagine Cortana being so evil. Now maybe Siri...

Then you would just stain your carpet.