
When they find a way for it to stop giving lab mice cancer.

I think you are looking for items that are “water-proof”. There is a huge difference between the two.

Whenever I take my kids to Main Event, sometimes my OCD kicks back in. I look around at all these teens and wonder how many of them masturbated and didn’t wash their hands before they came and started touching all the controllers.

You are adorable.

There is no Desitin, Mylicon, or Orajel in this bag either. This bag is just full of sad.

No Desitin (for diaper rash), no Mylicon drops (for gassy tummies), no Orajel (for teething). This is a hispter’s backpack of stuff mainly for an adult who has no child rearing experience at all.

That’s why you have good guys with drones to stop them.

I’m going to assume these people pay for their porn instead of searching images on the internet.

Of course they are selling it at a huge profit. But OP said 1/10th of the price. That jacket at top was priced a little over 1.4k. Buying quality leather on its own would cost you well over $140 for a garment of that size. That is also just for the leather. Who knows what the lining of this is made of. Depending on

Not about cosplay, but since my grandmother, baby-sitter, and a very close cousin of mine were all seamstresses, I do know more about sewing than a guy should know. Also pretty much anybody can tell the difference between cheap and quality materials.

Doubt it. Cheap fabric looks cheap. Expensive materials are expensive for a reason. Someone isn’t going to put together that leather jacket for $150 dollars and not make it look like crap imitation that will not even last for a full 2 days before it starts falling apart.

Inb4 people say the BMI is useless because it doesn’t take in account muscle mass which means all those ripped people are being labeled as obese.

Sad that you cannot download it for anything Windows. Also seems like it doesn’t want to download on my fire tablets either. Need to earn Nintendo points...

Well in their defense they do advocate tossing out the 2nd Amendment at times.

Yes. Because the whole thing was sarcasm in the first place. The average phone thief wouldn’t be to strung out on crack to employ either method, so the only people who would have to worry about any of this getting out are A list movie stars and actual enemies of the state. Not you (and I am talking to you specifically

These people are called “savages”.

Or is it?

The other method also involved stealing / taking the phone as well.

It is going to be something that could have prevented the recent terror attacks.