
Welp, iPhone users are screwed now. Everybody was worried that when Apple was force to crack the phone, the method would be leaked and the end times would be upon us. It is only a matter of time until how they did this is leaked. The end is nigh.

As Lex Luthor once put it, land is the one resource everybody wants that they are no longer making any more of. You do not screw over land unless you are absolutely sure that you cannot take it over and use for yourself.

You were one of those weirdos who preferred Lady Jaye over Scarlett? Have you no shame man?

He is gonna show her his Lion-O face.

That was a good story my friend, and sage wisdom.

If you aren’t, then you are doing it wrong.

Ikr? I cannot tell you all the times I had to keep on working even though it was hard. Wish I could have walked into the manager’s office and say “Hey would you look at how hard this is? Can I go home?”

From the article itself:

As a survivor of two tornadoes that have destroyed huge landmarks, I can tell you that finding your way around in the aftermath can be quite difficult.

Think of it as the same when people blame gun manufactures for mass shooting, then it will start to make sense.

Most airports I’ve been to already make you turn on any electronic device to make sure it is working and not cleaned out to house some sort of explosive device.

In a sense, yes this gun is safer. It has a built in trigger cover. Modern guns do not go off by themselves, even when dropped or thrown on the ground. They go off because the trigger was pulled. Guns going off when dropped is a rare thing that happens with older guns that have free floating firing pins. And even with

Not really. Guns do not go off unless you pull the trigger. Most modern guns will not even go off when thrown on the floor. The firing pin has to hit the primer pretty hard for it to ignite. Some older guns have free floating pins that can hit the primer if the gun is hit hard enough but this is a very rare thing.

The way that this gun is designed, when folded up, there is less chance of what you said happening than with an normal designed gun.


The highlight of course is the stunning monologue he gives in “Penny and Dime” about his daughter,

They are talking about Hulk Hogan wining his case against Gawker to the tune of $115 million. Also that is only part of the damages awarded so far. The idea is Gawker is going to have to close up shop due to this.

If you are curious, the actual story is that I was swinging it above my head like an old school sling shot and was going to hurl it over a fence, but the detaching thing happened pretty quickly before it even rotated twice. Was not even aware that something like that could happen but it did.

Was agreeing with ya.

Wow, you must be so proud of such alpha male display.