
Male dancers are people too.

That is pretty crazy. Was not even aware that animals such as cats had the capacity for such abstract thoughts.

No. I use pesticides to kill the ants in my lawn. The rest of the day was used by me and animal control in trying to find the cat so we could test it for rabies. Unfortunately we never were able to find the cat.

There was an article awhile back that featured a crab holding a knife. Turns out that knife was jammed into the crab’s claw (they would never pick something up like that on their own), is probably terribly painful for the crab having that knife keeping the claw open like that, and also the crab is seriously

A stray cat once attacked my daughter. I grabbed it off of her by the tail and swung it around until the cat actually detached from it. True story.

It was a comment on the duality nature of man... or something like that.

Awww... did my comment upset you? I am sorry that my comment possibly offended you.

Well they are dressed like school girls.

A job that liberals are trying to end because they find it distasteful. Does anyone ever think of the dancers in these situations? How do you expect them to put food on the table if you are trying to shame their employers into not hiring them anymore? We need more of these parties to create more jobs for them, not

I like how your comment is a spoiler for comments to come.

My statement does not assume anything. It is saying that the people whose actual reason for being “fat and unhealthy” is eating like a pig will try to find other excuses. So it excludes fat people whose reasons might include medical reasons and such because eating like a pig is not one of those reasons.

As we all are. I chuckled too.

Did you see this bit of news about the trail? What a sicko.

Or is it?

That and the aliens used biotechnology. Wonder if all their biotech was still written using C++.

I like how people, instead of acknowledging because they eat like pigs is the reason they are fat and unhealthy, turn to science for reasons for their unhealthy state.

I usually find that people who tell you milk is bad for you also consume a shit ton of alcohol themselves. Which I always found weird because consuming something that poisons you and destroys your liver is fine, but milk is bad because it has sugar and might give you the shits.

You have never been to San Antonio then. Which is crazy since you live only a few hours away. Also San Antonio just had PAX here at the end of January. I did not observe any conservatives protesting any of the numerous cosplayers that were taking in the sites downtown.

I get a chub from the senate meeting scenes.

Well which would you wear? A normal full suit of plate armor or a sexy enchanted thong that makes your skin impervious to blades and fire? I myself would totally rock the sexy thong.