
Or just a “Male’s fantasy.” ;)

Really? Did your dad not instill the fear of God in you? You would actually try to get away with something like this? Were you one of those kids that got away with murder?

I always run with the “Well when I was a kid my dad used to... Actually, I rather not talk about it.” Most people feel like a total ass after that.

Because that was not part of the question. Apple fighting the FBI which in turns helps out protecting privacy rights has pretty much been established at this point. I was questioning the motive for Apple doing this in means to start a discussion. If I was just to think “Oh well, they are an ally, so might as well not

Hypercolor! That is what it was called. And how can you regret hypercolor? It was awesome.

Peggy is so hot. Love those hairdos.

I wouldn’t mind a reboot of M*A*S*H.

While the end result is the same (protecting the rights of American citizens), do you believe that Apple is actually doing all of this in the interest of American citizen or doing all of this in the interest of itself?

Dude, that is deep. Like white man inception.

It keeps oil prices low. Of course you could be one of those weirdos who ride bikes everywhere.

So rich old white men do know what is good for us.

Actually the slippery slope argument only works when it is in your favor.


Do you mean a test drive? I am having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say.

Were you in middle school during the time of color change clothing?

Don’t you ever regret frosted lipstick. Ever!

Thank you! I hope to be a great troll someday.

Same reason why drinking is still popular. Not sure what that reason is but it is the same for both.

You try so hard so you get a star for your effort. Keep practicing and someday you will be a top-notch troll. Just believe in yourself as I believe in you.

Gave you a star for the use of the word “dubious”.