
There were two purposes behind the post. First was just to mess with the “piracy does not equal theft” group. I like messing with those people because they are so easy to get a rise out of. Second the post was making fun of the idea that we are to believe that people who engage in piracy are telling the truth in

I hope to win an Oscar next year. ;)

Cannot believe that the surfing scene from Escape from L.A. was not on this list. That was some movie magic right there.

It is supposed to be “hand the money” not “had the money”. The edit was gone before I noticed it.

Pfft. Clinton would just need a routine doctors visit. The other lady would be in the morgue.

I like to go to Wal-Mart, steal games and then pay for them about a month or two later when I have the money to pay for them. I just had the money to a manager and say thanks. However, that is if I actually like the game. If I don’t then I just throw the game into the trash.

Maybe that is why she is sipping it rather than gulping the whole thing down like Link does?

I sometimes have tabs open to porn sites for “research” purposes. Never actually download anything.

It has been spun around the internet enough that anybody who plays FPS games knows about it. Hell even his pic has the dorkly tag on it.

Lol. When my then wife got on the board and heard that, her reply was a quick “Fuck you board.”

That take is on fire mate.

I like it when you start up Wii Fit for the first time, you watch in horror as your Mii gets fatter and fatter.

and I want Barbara to be the Joker.

Thanks for seeing it my way. Also fishing sounds like a great idea. We should go fishing together. I have a great spot in a lake nearby where that catfish are huge.

Apple is saying a lot of different things at this point. First they wanted to appeal, then they wanted a commission, now they want to go to congress. They are basically throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks. This is the tactic of a doomed person. Just calling it now. Apple is not going to win this. If it turns


The part where the owner of the phone tried to reset the password but screwed it up and now they cannot access a backup of the cloud data that they possibly could have beforehand? Yeah, most people who are following this story probably know about that since it was widely reported on every news outlet. It is just that

So if code was considered free speech, why exactly would you not be able to patent it and only copyright it?

You also forgot the period at the end.

Good job free speech nuts!