
I was thinking he looks more like a tall, bald Jonas Jr.

I know about appellate courts but are not they entirely different courts? From what I have read, it seems they are still arguing with the original court and trying to get them to change their minds. I figured they would of moved on to a different court by now. That is where my confusion is. I just was not very clear

I wonder if an actual passenger would screw with this guy any. I would guess that at these speeds the passenger would have to be trained as well, and not just any joe could jump on the back with him.

I must need new reading glasses then, because I missed the part in the order where Apple was ordered to create something new.

It really would. Imagine all the quality of life improvements that would have to go by the wayside. No more motorized transportation. With that goes shipping of goods which would have insane affects on the way we live. Everything would have to be in walking/biking/horse and carriage distance. No more oil which would

I sure wouldn’t have gone and seen Transformers if Megatron, Starcream, and Prime were not in it.

I think there was a bigger outcry that Ron was casted as a non-ginger. That was the true travesty.

Don’t knock it till you try it.

That Apple does not believe it can win this fight or that it is just PR. Or why not both? Care to elaborate on your thoughts? Especially if it is the former.

Like Apple!


Which is not the court order. This is what the court order asks:

Well Sony has just the solution for you my friend!

You don’t?

Redacted: Just realized I would be explaining the joke and boo on that.

Drone 5, standing by. Lock s-foils into attack position.

Never said what they are doing is bad. I’m just not buying into their PR that they are fighting for the peoples’ rights and not just their own business interests. I personally do not care which way this battle turns out because I do not think it will have much of an impact on anything if any impact at all. Once

I think the moral is “Don’t come around here no more, or I will turn you into a cake and eat you.” And give children nightmares.

Oh I’ve seen the articles. What has surprised me is that people I know who are his supporters actually do not agree with him on this.

I’m not all that sure how iPhones work because I have a Windows 8 phone, but from reading earlier articles, they screwed the pooch on being able to do anything with the phone themselves after a botched attempt at resetting the passcode. So... dunno.