
The law is already there. The FBI used it and the courts interpreted said laws to include what is going on here. And the precedent has already been set. The court has already ruled in the FBI’s favor. Now since I am no lawyer, I am not sure why Apple is still being able to argue and say no, but it would seem the law

Bringing up innocent lives lost is just standard procedure when attacking an Amendment. When folks go for the 2nd, it is always about lives lost and keeping America safe. Here we see the same thing happening. Helps to make the other side look bad.

PR is gonna PR yo. All of this is pretty much formalities. Apple is going to be ordered to comply and hopefully the FBI will get something worthwhile off of that phone.

So the fact that they were given a court order to do so means they have no legal obligation to follow it? Must be nice.

I want to say it was birth of the TV rating thing that killed the 90's shows. There was a bit in a daffy duck cartoon that aired after the rating thing was made. In it he was samurai jack. He is surprised by a human and stops short of slicing him in half. Daffy exclaims “I could of sliced you in half!”, to where the

We except Mr. Bond to die, not to be wrinkle-free.

Sage word.

On further review it is possible that I have it wrong. In another post someone brought something to my attention so I did a bit of googling. I am getting conflicting reports now so maybe it is best to disregard what I posted about the software particulars and just know that the courts themselves asked for this

Well said. I think I really do not have much else to add on this matter but would like to thank you for the discussion without the need of throwing insults around, like over at Gawker and sometimes here.

It is possible that I am wrong. I will admit that all the articles I have read have been pretty murky with the details. The problem I see in what you said is how do you push an OS update to a locked phone? Also I see problems in what I am saying as well. Honestly I am surprised that Apple just hasn’t come out and said

Can someone tell me why my youtube videos always show up fine in the preview but then turn into links when I publish them?

How are they sure that they did not actually unearth the world’s first fleshlight?

Although I am not positively sure what you are asking but it seems that you answered your own question.

The only reason I could guess that why they haven’t used that argument is that they know they can write the software to do what is asked of them, and they are afraid that someone out there can prove that they can. I am a programmer myself and I would believe apple if they told me it wasn't possible because it does

It doesn’t matter that you are a programmer, because I am, and I can clarify what is going on here for you. The FBI isn’t asking Apple to make a new OS in this instance. Maybe the have at some point in time, but we are talking about this particular case. Now in this particular case a new OS would not help the FBI one

I was waiting for someone to jump on that. Thought of it after the edit was disabled. Yes, you are right. Accused people are will get their shit looked through, guilty or otherwise. However even with that, my main argument still stands. The FBI has had the power to go through our stuff when the need arises. What is

Never was aware how eating almonds could be so creepy and porny.

Yes. The helicopter could only transport one piece at a time. So for the entire hut to be transportable in one piece by helicopter, the helicopter had to transport one piece at a time.

This is mean. Someone should put these probably fat scientist on a treadmill and makes them run against their wishes.