
Nah. I said most people’s lives. Sure it may affect some CEO’s bonus, but Apple will live on. No jobs will be lost. Most people will forget this ever happened and still buy an ipad.

So just gonna throw out a guess here. I am going to say that the court sides with the FBI on this and rules in their favor.

You saw a tower and asked “why?” The person who built it saw where a tower was not and said “this lack of tower will not stand.”

Don’t you go screwing with my dream troll by giving it meaning!

I was hoping that it was going to be the word pika over and over.

I have a dream to become a great artist one day, one worthy of history. And if I was able to see my death coming such as old age or sickness, I would create one last piece before my death. It would be a globe sitting in a toilet. No context would be given. For years later, people would debate on the meaning of the

Couldn’t have said it better myself. You know the actual deal. However there is one minor thing I disagree with. You call it the best route. Nope. It is far from the best route, but it is the only route you are allowed to take. Lol.

I love the “its so easy, all you have to do is this” comments. I wonder if they are forgetting that it is a hospital and not Joe’s pizza shack. There is a bureaucracy that limits what you can and cannot do. Budgets, HIPPA rules, ancient systems and software. I would love if the solution was as simple as install Linux

I was talking about “apps” being tiny pieces of software I could write myself versus actual full blown programs that do more than let you check the weather on your phone.

Lol. I see you have never worked in a hospital IT setting. I wasn’t talking about ordering food from Pizza Hut using web software. I was talking about a nurse ordering food from the cafeteria for a patient to be delivered to their room. We had a program that did many different things like order food for a patient,

I worked for one the largest hospitals in my home state. In our IT department there was a saying, “We do not keep the doctors from surfing porn on our computers so they don’t break, we fix the computers so the doctors can keep on surfing porn.”

It really wouldn’t help all that much. Also you have to use the platform that all your software runs on, such as your coding software, your scheduling software, your catch all software that does stuff like order food, keep track of who is in what room, etc. When you work IT in hospitals, you are constantly putting out

You are talking to one of those “entitled” and possibly “privileged” people Gawker is always making fun of. Stuff given away for free and extras will never be good enough for them.

Because you are comparing math, which is precise, to English, which is not.

Strangely enough you understood OP just fine, and so did I. I will say that OP is doing well enough in the language department and does not require any changes.

It is politics, which is relevant to all of Gawker and their sub sites. Have to hate on those nasty republicans whenever we get a chance.

I need that “Please clap” gun now.

Good form.

As a retired Hearthstone player who stopped playing soon after the first dungeon was released, these were pretty easy to understand.

Considering the game just barely came out, yes.