
Egg puns! They always make me eggcited!

Sure thing bro.

For WW II era Japan to go from where they were to, “LOOK, MECHS,” seems a little lazy, narratively speaking.

Pro Tip: Read the whole comment. Then you would read that drawing the weapon is the last resort that has made everybody compliant for my brother with the exception of the single event I detailed. Since you did not come to this conclusion at all means you did not even finish the first paragraph. Next time before you

Do you really hate to disagree with me? Like deep down? Think carefully...

I have a brother who is a cop. At least once a week he gets into a physical confrontation with someone on the job. 80% (his own estimation) of the time it is because they are drunk or on drugs. While this is dangerous but not dangerous enough to merit an recognition, the only reason he is not a death statistic is

RE4 has gotten a HD upgrade and several ports. As for a total remake, well when RE4 is the standard that all the other remakes try to aim for, then remaking the game is kind of pointless.

I won’t argue with you there saying that RE4 started the lean towards action vs horror. But RE4 pretty much brought back the series from the brink of the abyss. After 2 it seemed the games started to piss people off and almost killed the series. The only problem is that 5 and 6 went off their rocker and almost killed

It is not the reviews that really confirm it (but they help) but the polls these sites take when doing a things like a Best Game of all Time poll and such. RE4 is usually near the top of the heap, if not the top. Ocarina of Time is hard to contend with.

Please note that there are several commenters that that have agreed with me and none that have agreed with you. Not saying that this is definite proof, but you will see this trend only increase in favor of RE4. Even people who RE4 is not their favorite will still agree that RE4 is widely regarded as the pinnacle of

Ah, a man of quality.

No I am not. This Wikipedia entry should give you all the info you need to the various Game of the Year awards it won and also Best Game of All Time nominations and awards. I personally like 2 the best because of Claire, but it is silly to let personal bias stand against the obvious. I doubt it isn’t that you heard

It is strange that Penthouse got a leg up (yuk yuk yuk) on Playboy by showing more pubic hair. These days the American Nether Bush is all but extinct.

Let me be your guide to a magical place I call... THE INTERNET!

Your remark that 4 was a joke invalidates your whole comment. RE4 is universally accepted as the best RE in the same way Empire is regarded as the best Star Wars movie. But I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you probably meant to say RE5 instead of 4.

The community of white women who hunt men in hoodies is pretty big apparently. They have the same amount of lobbying power as the NRA.

I’m not sure when it happened but at some point Gawker infected Gizmodo and now we get shit infected articles like this one. This could have been a review article but instead it is a bash against women fearing for their life against very real threats. This author mocks the idea that a woman shouldn’t be wary of some

I know.

Was looking for this.