
Flint, Cher got you babe.

Dunno. That made in U.S.A. looks photoshopped. And isn’t photoshop made in China too? Sigh...

Because Trump isn’t here dialoguing. Just us. And yet you rather stoop to his level, let his hate infect you like some kind of disease. I go to Gawker for this kind of shit and troll there. I come to Gizmodo for interesting science stuff and the occasional ribbing of drone pilots. Let’s leave this kind of crap in

Because it leaves out Mexicans. It is like “Fuck you beaners. We suffered more than you. You can get in the back of the suffering minorities line.”

We are talking about the total replacement of brains for hotdogs. If a brain was still present, attached, and functioning in anyway, then the presence of hot dogs would be irrelevant. You would still have a brain and not hotdogs for a brain.

Okay. Without your brain, you are dead. The body cannot live without the brain. In the medical field you can declare someone dead if they are cleanly decapitated. This is because the body cannot live without the brain. If your brains were replaced with hot dogs, this means your brain would be separated from your body.

Is that an upskirt shot? Totally an upskirt shot. Thank you Kotaku.

This would be nice if fondant wasn’t nasty as hell.

Nah. They all look pretty bad compared to their original counterparts. All of these are the equivalent of putting a huge spoiler on a Dodge Neon. The changes are all flash and no substance. Might as well have covered them with anime decals while they were at it.

Prove what? That having hot dogs where your brains would be mean that you would be dead? That OP is dead or alive? That I have actually answered the responders question? Be specific Winsome.

Hot damn. This sure is one big probe.

The plant actually does look dry and wilted despite fears of being over watered.


I give it 2 out of 5 “meh”. I chuckled once when Superman said “I’m an alien. You people all look the same.”

Actually having hot dogs for brains would mean that person is dead. This person has commented on an article thus proving he or she is alive. So while this person has not answered your question like you think they did, I just have. Having hot dogs for brains would mean you are dead.

It is because they are skinny, pretty, and white.

To be turned into soylent, you have to be people first.

I too am voting for Clinton just because she is a woman. That is totally an okay reason.

Meh. That would imply that cops and other law enforcement officials are somehow profiting off of keeping prisons full and is the reason why stories like this exist. Problem is they do not profit off of keeping prisons full. Quotas are a myth and they do not get an Xmas bonus for busting X amount of people.

Would you rather the title say “old white man” instead and it being totally false?