
The greatest LoL login screen ever created. I want to know the backstory to this one.

So I have been hearing the new Late Show is lackluster at best. I do not watch tv often and have not seen the new show yet. Anybody care to comment?

I was at a lake with my kids when one of my boy’s picked up some stones and starts trying to skip them across the water. I join him and he says to me, “Brian, (my ex’s then boyfriend, name changed) can skip stones really far, he can skip it up to 5 times!” I smirk, then proceed to skip my first stone 10 times. The

*there... sigh. I always see spelling mistakes after the edit button goes away.

Gloves are not their to protect the other person’s face. They are worn to protect your hands. Being bare first would hurt Floyd more than it would hurt Ronda.

Coupons, learning to cook for yourself, and rice. Rice is cheap and goes great with almost everything.

When this video came out on Sploid, some other commenter dubbed it “The Hipster Sandwich.” Could not agree more.

At this point I think Miley’s tongue is actually a parasite and Miley is its host that does its bidding.

My grandmother was raised on a farm. I’ve seen her take a chicken by the head and do this sort of whipping motion where the chicken’s body snaps right off. Instant decapitation, instant death. However the body will run around on its own for a bit sometimes.

Now that is just crazy talk.

Who’s that pokemon!?!

Yes, it does come with feet.

Really only Casey seems to be missing that their is no difference. All the other comments are along the lines of, “I would swim, eat, suckle, live in this goo, and die a happy person.”

There is an urban myth that candy corn was only ever made once. Every year, candy companies retrieve from the trash all the candy corn that was thrown out, then repackaged it to sell next year.

No, screw this movie. You wanna know why? Because this asshole puts his hand in a volcano to retrieve the glaive, yet only uses it to cut open a hole in a wall. He should have been all Xena with that thing the whole movie like the movie posters promised, but no, he doesn't use it until the end.

Keep telling yourself that.

Why is she wearing a vagina on her head?

So which takes longer for you to play, Monopoly or Risk? For me it is Risk, because it takes an hour just to figure out the rules that I had forgotten since the last time I have played it.

Shush, you. Stop trying to bring facts into this.

What one must remember is that the Gems do not have sex to reproduce. They grow new gems out of the ground like crystals. The only reason why you would correlate fusion with sex is by the way Garnet describes it. It is a very intimate thing you do with someone you trust. What is one of the most intimate things humans