
Well the bright side from all of that is that you find out that Garnet is the embodiment of what is perhaps the strongest lesbian relationship in the universe. Sure this article says all the gems are genderless, but they are not fooling anybody. With the exception of Rose, the gems are an alien race of lesbians. And

I have been wanting to hear other peoples’ opinions on the episode. I sat there and thought “Man, I cannot be the only person who thought that.” I used the word because it seemed like what most people here would identify with, but I could be totally wrong.

The way that Garnet described fusion to Greg put in my mind that fusion is the Gems’ version of sex. And I like how they handled it in a mature manner.

It was his letterman jacket. Was her way of telling him to bugger off.

Because we actually do speak American. Our English is distinct enough from other English speaking countries that this is a true statement. It is just that nobody in this country wants to recognize it even though the rest of the world has. If it bothers people that bad, we could just call it American English.

Hell I rather know why he has a silver leg first before the red arm.

Because people either want to protect their privacy, or to be kept safe from irresponsible operators of drones. The bulk of these rules seem to be designed to do just that. I see nothing proposed in this infographic that would be unreasonable.

So does the fact that the Jedi and Blade are there mean that everybody else are vampires that use the dark side of the force? Because if so even Obi-Wan and Blade might be over their heads in this one.

Aww it’s okay. You were just having a little FUNgus.

Considering how he is just standing boss there, it probably is big enough to kill the shark.


In other news, did I read the Azir nerf wrong? Was just in a game where I was top laning against him with Fiora (nutty I know) and it seemed like his soldiers still hurt after the first hit. Still kicked his ass because its Fiora against Azir (seriously wtf?) but still.

Better not happen before baker Panth.

It is Battlefield. People still play BF 1942.

That worked so well together.

Is it me or does the chamber not line up with the barrel?

Google shot the serif.

+1 for timecooties. Sounds like a serious side effect.

If it makes you feel any better, the article says he died of cancer. I know a few people who died to various forms and it is one of the most miserable ways to leave this life.

After FF7 they should have just changed the series name to “Metrosexual: the Game”.