
Yeah, it doesn’t seem to make the nipples erect, therefore not female Viagra.

Soup hipsterism. Everybody in this post was eating soup way before it was cool.

From what I read, he has lazy eye after healing from a detached retina. Kind of a fucked up thing to make fun of a person for. Is this what is cool now? Making fun of people for physical attributes they have no control over?

No. Endings are iconic because they are representatives of movie ending that a large amount of the population will recognize. A New Hope, The Never Ending Story, and The Shawshank Redemption would be better suited for this list than the Sixth Sense and Fight Club.

Only when you play Huckabee’s interviews backwards can you summon the devil.

Back when I was 14, there was this girl who, when sitting on the ground and me walking up to her, would joke, “Are you going to pee on me?” Now I wonder if she was really just trying to break the ice on some kinky times.

I loled hard.

That was terribly unfunny and one of the worse uses of BtAS I have seen in awhile. Should have used TBM instead.

I have always seen it as some long haired queen having relations with a zebra.

Welp, the animals hate drones now. Drone pilots, your days are numbered.

So in the land you come from, his name translates into Donald Fart?

I remember that case. The father beat him to death with his bare hands.

Did anybody invite the hoary hosts of hoggoth?

I think he was just cursing his luck of falling asleep. I think he was trying to say, “I fell asleep!” Kind of like exclaiming, “I stubbed my toe!”

So the Error guy, anybody know what he was actually supposed to say?

Any time anybody complains about “their” taxes being wasted on programs for the poor, education, etc. I show them pictures like this. Then I tell them that the taxes they paid in the past and all future taxes they are going to pay specifically paid for a fraction of this missile that got fired off in a test run. Now

Back during the Fukushima disaster, all the media talking heads were droning on about the horrors of nuclear power and how this was the end of the world. Then they interviewed Bill Nye. I thought to myself, “Okay, here is a guy who knows the science and will show people nuclear energy is not bad.” Nope. He jumped on

Silly painter. The grenade is garnish. You are not supposed to actually eat it. Sigh.

Now that you mention it, she did bend a shit ton out of fire compared to any other element in the show.

Are you not turned on by these picture? I totally am.