The Lincoln Squirrel

So when do we get our Lobo LOBOT movie?

If I looked out my window and saw this scene unfolding, I would grab a bottle of whiskey, head to my basement, and lock the door.

Upon seeing the trailer for this in a theater not long ago, the audience was laughing and groaning the whole time.


Speaking of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, when the hell is it coming back on the air? And Last Man on Earth too, for that matter.

Well, I'm really looking for more of an undrinkable and boring IPA from one of the literally dozens of microbreweries that have opened in the last year in my city of less than 300,000 people, and will be shuttered in mere months.

Do you have suggestions for over-priced, overly-hopped IPAs from microbreweries that just opened in the last 5 minutes?

Only predictable, over-produced, corporate rock for this gentleman!

Why is she sitting on the couch like that? Follow the money . . .

Yes, this.

I think we all know exactly what happened here:

Maybe this will convince the Academy to just do a one-hour pre-recorded show from now on.

Oh, those late night talk show hosts are going to have a field day with their monologues tomorrow, hoo boy!

It would be great if there was a rumble between the La La Land people and the Moonlight people at the Governor's Ball later tonight.

I think someone should check that envelope for whatever award Suicide Squad won.

Everyone—it has come to my attention that Harry Truman did in fact defeat Thomas Dewey to become the President of the United States.


Those shitheads at Price Waterhouse have one lousy job to do.

Wait, stop, everyone this is not a joke. Hell or High Water is the Best Picture!

How fucking crushed must you be if you are one of those La La Land people?