Liberal Politely Applauding John Kasich

I think your children should still meet their grandparents, man.

Yes? Woods became a “villain” all the way back in 2009. He has played A LOT in the past 8 years, including winning PGA Tour player of the year in 2013.

Nets aren’t tanking the Celtics have their pick. This is why Brook Lopez and his very, very injury prone feet are still logging 30+ each night on a 15 win team.

Gonna go out on a limb here and say UCONN takes this one

Backwater conference with a program that won the national title last year, on a run that included manhandling the Jayhawks in the elite 8.

Go to bed Syracuse.

This is what I’m scared of as a Gtown alum. I’d give him one more year, at least.

Alums—of which I am one (h/t Chris Clickzilla)—fall into two camps: the “fire JTIII” crowd and the “too scared to fire JTIII” crowd for the reasons Laura mentioned.

Guerillas “charge and retreat.” They also ambush and take people off guard, much like an aggressive charge to the net in tennis would.

Guerillas “charge and retreat.” They also ambush and take people off guard, much like an aggressive charge to the net in tennis would.

Here’s an LA Times article from 1985 describing a “hit and retreat” style of tennis as “guerilla tactics.”

If somebody is stupid enough to quote from my Master’s dissertation that I got a C on, I’d still want a damn footnote.

The quote was prompted by a question King asked Brady, on a trip to Montana that I’m sure his (struggling) parent company had to pay for. This isn’t like quoting from prepared remarks at a press conference.

Not trying to justify King’s reaction since he didn’t even raise this point, but I actually saw this tweet (I follow Bleacher Report on Twitter I know shame on me) and clicked on it expecting to see the original interview. I actually thought “that’s kinda shady” when my browser opened to a BR article about King’s

Look. King’s reaction was shitty. But it is also the sort of thing that happens daily in the high-speed world of social media, and doesn’t require an overwrought blog post about King being “whiny” to an otherwise “generous creditor.”


They are union members, they just don’t have to pay union dues. Some places of work are “union shops” and by law (NLRA) have to hire workers from a union and collectively bargain with that union. So the employer still has to collectively bargain, but over time the union gets crippled on a local and national level and

But what ends up happening is that workplaces that were formerly forced to hire from a pool of unionized workers, and therefore had to collectively bargain, start hiring only non-union labor and the union eventually dies.

The other huge motivation for “Right to Work” legislation(other than slashing wages to help big business) is cutting off a major source of Democratic Party donations—union dues.