The police response was to be ready with RIOT GEAR? Fuck them.
The police response was to be ready with RIOT GEAR? Fuck them.
The trolls are out in force. Please flag and dismiss.
feck that guy. but also, don’t feed him - pls don’t respond/engage. jezebel is being eaten alive by these maggots.
When are we going to get back to the REAL outrage of a socially-conscious man exercising his constitutional right to peacefully protest during the national anthem of a sporting event???
Exactly. This is a cult, based on a pyramid scheme, wrapped up in a tax avoidance strategy, created by a B-list Sci-Fi writer. If so many people hadn’t been hurt by it, it would actually be hilarious.
I long for the days when Sooper Secret Societies kept themselves demure and quiet and lent a bit of mystery to things.
This is not a religion. This is a lame, space crab-themed mason’s lodge cum brainwashing / hetero “reprogramming” pyramid scheme cum shark loan & blackmail outfit cum expensive RPG club with a tiny dash of tax fraud and a great dollop of rich, mad person’s paranoia.
Wow. And to think I’ve erroneously called it ‘Cleveland’ for years.
That moment when you say “I’m not doing your advertisement for free.”
and it always will be too soon, as we hardly ever get a chance to reset the counter.
I always found it weird that no media people ever seem to point out that many of his hateful tweets are sent out at 2 and 3 am. That’s very strange behaviour, particularly from a guy in his 70s.
I really love his instance that having a good night's sleep is some nefarious plot of Clinton's. He stays up late, hate-tweeting, popping uppers and eating fast food, which is waaaay better than letting your body and mind rest and repair itself. That is why he is always so pulled together and professional.
How has feminist rhetoric moved this far in to the mainstream? It’s very irritating.
Actually they are...
And yet some idiot will still yell “it’s about class, not race” whilst foaming at the mouth.