TheLegalitiesOfEatingYouAreQuiteABitDicier (aka Kanye WestWing)

Even assuming HRC wins in a landslide, I still think the damage is done. White dudes (full disclosure: I am a white dude) DO realize the world is changing forever. This backlash has really been brewing since the Nixon/Goldwater era and sometimes the violence has simmered and sometimes it has exploded (mid through late

I’m glad you said this, and I’m also glad King wrote this piece. (I couldn’t place why I knew her name and then I realized that a couple of the kids I work with have read/been reading Keep the Faith.)

Shit, son, bunts are just good solid fundamental baseball. Problem with the game today is not enough people know how to lay down a good bunt.

This is bewildering. Stat-head nerd-types will tell you that if you get a man on 3rd with nobody out, he has about an 87-88% chance of scoring. Real old school baseball dudes like me and the Goose will tell you that going from first to third, and doing it in the ugliest fucking way possible, is True Fucking Grit and

Rio’s water WILL melt stomach linings. And organs. It’s a fact!

Awesome! You have made me laugh aloud often.

It’s nice when a story has something for everybody.

I prefer to use a 50 year old Glenfidditch.

You’re Denny Crane.

I agree! Redford’s lamentable piece on horses aspired to be a jeremiad but turned out to be little more than poppycocks and horsefeathers!

Bosa is publicly wishing that his mom had been Archie Manning so maybe he goddamn could have.

I’ll never get Seth Rogen’s appeal, and I will always think of Drake as Part of the Problem, but the owl sucking at fetch was fucking rad. Thanks!

Check out my upcoming series “500 Ways John Wayne Also Sucked, Bro.”

“We are enjoying difficult times, and, er, not enjoying them very much.” From a speech on the state of the economy, George H. W. Bush, 1990

They didn’t also make her enroll in a program for her drinking problem, or do some community service to make up for being a vile temptress who leads young men into temptation? Sounds like they really have changed the culture there!

It ain’t audacity if you know for a fact you’re gonna get away with it. :(

Tried to watch Unforgiven again about a year ago, and for my money the only thing that has aged well is that Gene Hackman and Saul Rubinek are still adorable together.

A strong take, my friend. A strong, dumb take.

Samuel Francis, who was too much of a crazy nativist for even Pat Buchanan in the end, is a good candidate for Liebkind (if Liebkind had died years before the movie started and some heir of his found the script in an old trunk in a dusty attic like something out of Lovecraft).