TheLegalitiesOfEatingYouAreQuiteABitDicier (aka Kanye WestWing)

Which polls are you looking at that you find reassuring on the college educated white male demographic? I’ve seen polls that show them running dead even and I think a post-convention poll that showed HRC with a 5 point lead. This late in the game, that’s close enough to mean something. Even assuming he continues to

You’re right, the fact that the demographic is shrinking is good news. The worry, though, is that the kinds of scorched earth tactics that will be employed as the white dudes come to, in the words of Tyler Durden (poster boy for white man-child rage), “Know...not think but KNOW you’re going to die,” will be brutal.

As a peace offering, Olympic Officials will present each of the maltreated reporters with a gift basket, including several bottles of Brazil’s favorite luxury bottled water, “Ocean Water.”

1 in 20 want to see Harambe in the Oval Office

It isn’t just the fact that Trump will come uncomfortably close to winning that gives me a case of the howling fantods. It’s also the fact that, even assuming he is defeated, he’s brought all manner of disgusting creeps out into the sunlight to frolic and play together. The slow, panicky, painful death of absolute

I’m surprised—a little taken aback—by the giddy good feelings I’m experiencing at seeing an Establishment Republican not just say “I cannot vote for Trump,” but actually say “I am supporting Hillary.”

bc it’s there

lol I love your cockeyed optimism, kid. “Doing the right thing” is an Unattainable Standard best left to saints, seers, and peripatetic fucking holy men. The Gold Standard will be some version of “having an appallingly weak protocol that barely addresses any of the issues of the culture of rape, intimidation and

“I have two beautiful children. Another couple not so good looking, but they do their best.” Jonathan Katz

Consider Phlebas

Max Kellerman once referred to Lance Armstrong as a “Gifted, if self-righteous, hobbyist more than an athlete.” Quoting Kellerman makes me feel a little sleazy (a little sleazier than quoting Bill Maher but much less sleazy than quoting PJ O’Rourke) but when he’s right he’s right.

Patton was a jackass and so were all of his little polo ponies.

Reminds me of the night I spent at the high roller’s suite at Trump Taj Mahal back in its heyday. Except I don’t see any bottles of Trump brand shower gel in those bathrooms. Which is just as well since it seemed to just be Drakkar Noir mixed with expired Yes! To Carrots body scrub and gave me a terrible rash.

“Nah bro I just liked the part where, uh, you gotta have the will to win!”

did u know the chinese word for “crisis” is made up of 2 means danger and the other means opportunity! :)

He’s a Brett Easton Ellis Punchable Protagonist reified and immanentized. In fact he is *exactly* Glamorama’s Victor Ward, made flesh.