TheLegalitiesOfEatingYouAreQuiteABitDicier (aka Kanye WestWing)

I mean, I don’t disagree with you at all but I *am* curious—Did this get enough “likes” this time, the second time you posted the same thing verbatim in the course of a couple of hours, or are you gonna bust it out once more tomorrow on Deadspin?

This is way out of bounds and you know. The author is very clearly NOT an “unemployed hippy with an unhealthy concept of parental attachment” as you so blithely claim. The author is very clearly a “trust fund ‘artist and social activist’ who happens to have a beautiful snowflake of unique uniqueness for a childe.”

Oh, that’s okay. The author already offered you a breezy, perfunctory dismissal near the end of the piece. Nothing for the likes of *you* to see here. Goodbye and good luck!

You leave Matt Stairs alone. He was almost the second coming of Bob Horner.

This is some straight up Pierre Menard shit. Thanks, 2016. Thanks for everything.

You’re absolutely right. On this one occasion, under a very particular set of circumstances, for whatever reason, and contrary to what past behavior might lead an observer to predict, he seems to have done the right thing. Let’s hope this pattern continues frequently enough that sometime in the future when he makes a

[deleting this because, upon rereading it, it struck me as both inadvertently patronizing and kind of a bummer. i have always liked your posts and you seem smart and nice and i hope you enjoy the next season of game of thrones! :) ]

“Both teams played hard, I guess,” Cousins added, before walking away muttering “Ball don’t lie, though, ball don’t lie..”

Thank you for the link, Tim.

“Unless you wanna talk about that one she created for Monica Lewinsky with her husband.”

Think of the draft picks they’d get! They could build a dynasty.

When a young Steve Jobs first started working for Atari, people who had offices never locked them, desks were never locked, people who had work stations didn’t password protect them, and the whole office was actually pretty free-wheeling. Apparently Jobs used to make a big show out of “staying late to do extra work,”

I suspect she is perfectly aware she made someone’s worst nightmare come true, and that it makes her feel deliriously empowered.

Yes, absolutely.

Really? Are you guys really gonna post one of these EVERY TIME the Giants lose on a walk off balk? Guess it must get pretty boring at your magazine huh smh

I never get tired of those games! :)

Nah, in fact he’s the creme de la creme. Perhaps even the ne plus ultra. That’s why he is slotted for podium time!

Well could you give him the short version? Things to do here, guy.

Oh, you’ve seen the material for prospective applicants they’re sending out next year.