TheLegalitiesOfEatingYouAreQuiteABitDicier (aka Kanye WestWing)

To be fair, wasn’t Shea condemned sometime in 84 or 85? Pretty sure I heard something about how the Mets were just basically squatting there for a few seasons until they could get a new place, but as far as anyone official knew they’d moved out. Tickets were clearly run off of somebody’s printer at home and included

the clown that no one laughs at/they just wish he’d die

Extras made me like everyone more, except Gervais.

Nonsense. They don’t have Twitter in Mattoon.

Someone was apparently really committed to not “Living free.”

I had to read the list of leaked speakers a couple of times to convince myself Bobby Hurley wasn’t on the list.

Why hasn’t Laettner been floated yet as a potential Veep?

Oh man, that Jamoke’s outfit. I mean I wanna hurt it, but I could never hurt it the way it hurt me.

How Lupica felt when he came to New York and heard conversations at the end of the bar: Excluded, and rightly so.

Yes, absolutely!

Great work dudes. I had no idea I could warm up to Melo the way I have recently.

“ ‘AN’ Horrific Testicular Injury,” surely. It’s a basic rule of journalism “When describing gruesome testicular injuries, always use the form of the indefinite article Maugham would have chosen.” Or it *used* to be a basic rule of journalism, before the internet killed journalism, I suppose. Still, I’d have expected

Who imagines Sisyphus happy? YOU DO! That’s right YOU. Good boy,such a good boy! Who is prey to his passions? YOU ARE! The victory is in the struggle! Such a good doggie!

I doubt there are many things I know that Warren doesn’t. I know all the lyrics to the seminal Jawbreaker album Dear You, but Warren has a phenomenal memory and I’m sure she would learn them after a single listen-through.

You’re absolutely right, I forgot about her age!

It varies, depending on his mood. Consensus reality is for losers!

If Warren were offered the job (I don’t think she will be), then what is the best case scenario? 2 terms for HRC, 8 years as veep then a run for the White House herself. But Warren is smart and canny and she *knows* that an HRC administration is going to include any number of policies and positions she’s going to find

As ill-advised as booking The Bad Brains to headline a celebration of marriage equality.

What I keep thinking is this: As tightly knit, hierarchical, status-obsessed and gossipy as the world of D1 football is, I can’t imagine that knowledge of Sandusky’s crimes was contained to Happy Valley.

I work doing cognitive behavioral therapy at a facility that sounds very much like Nittany House (we are much better at what we do than that shit-show was, apparently). As MSB points out, most of our kids (read: all of them) have been sexually abused in some way or another during their short lives. “Developing