The Left Pinky of Evil

I dump mine out once in the morning when I get up, and again at night in the shower before bed. I find it so very less grody than tampons. I starting using the Keeper around 2002 or so, and only retired it in 2000 when I had a baby (it didn’t fit anymore, go fig). I now use a Diva cup, and I don’t like it as much, but

Me too! especially after listening to her output during that time.

Word is she was having money problems in the late 2000s. She kept babbling in interviews about how her UK home really belongs to her husband (taxes, allegedly), and then she kept cranking out questionable crap, combined with lowering the overall production value of her material.

Couscous is pasta, not a grain.

This is so true. My parents love reading, and their home is filled with books. Some are rare, sentimental, or re-read once in a while. But mostly they serve as a marker that tells guests “I am smart, I am well-read, I have a middle-class education.” As a teenager my friends would always comment on how many books we

Adams County is north of Denver and includes parts of Aurora, Thornton, and Commerce City. It’s definitely not Colorado Springs.

Edited because I can’t read :)

For what it’s worth, this was the time for me too when her sheen began to tarnish. It seemed like overnight she went from prattling nonsensically about the “divine feminine” to prattling nonsensically about lip gloss and wine.

I had a shitty day, but you made me giggle out loud.

Rock bottom (I hope) was the 2009 tour, when she dressed like a color blind super villain.

I think you’re right - the jeans and swimsuit look went well with the stripped-down solo shows. Even the sparkle aprons during the late 90s seemed more natural than her clothes these days though.

Remember when Tori would roll out of bed, throw her hair in a scrunchie, clean her cat’s litter boxes, smoke a bong, and then, oh yeah, there’s a concert today and would head on stage? That looked 1000xs better than the shower-curtain couture she wears these days.

Cat: oh look, a bug. <returns to licking crotch>

Damn, it looks like they’re sold out now. That was fast.

Damn, it looks like they’re sold out now. That was fast.

WTF is that thing?! I quote:

Yes! It takes a few nights to get used it (it feels like sleeping on a lumpy rock at first) but I can't handle normal pillows now. Buckwheat hulls are amazing.

Out of curiosity - how long were you with that bank? It sounds like early brand imprinting. My first bank account was with Norwest in high school, and I still have that account (but it's now part of Wells Fargo).

I always thought the Cosmos bricked over the window as retribution. But your explanation is much more logical and makes the story sadder.