
Footage of the pilot trying to leave the scene:

Completely blind intersection and sirens can be difficult to locate in an urban environment. The house on the left prevented the car from seeing the cop.

Jalopnik is WAYYY more conservative than the rest of the gawker universe.

“but I don’t blame the dealers and I don’t blame the banks.”


Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?

Mr. Crissey’s logic – and yours, by extension – is fundamentally backwards. Labor is an expense, and a necessary one. Profits are literally the money that’s left over after expenses. To run a business properly, you must pay your expenses before you start taking money out of it.

This is what happens with the price of everything rises and salaries stay stagnant.

Based on what everyone else drives, she must be the highest paid person at Jalopnik if she can buy a 20k car.

For some reasons it seems to me like this is the company with the least headlines and the most potential in the electric car companies war.

Yo your take on ‘drifters’ is so edgy and cool. Can I borrow a pair of jorts & a bucket hat for my next SCCA autox?

Wouldn’t the evidence of protest “working” be the actual policy change (which neither happened nor does it appear to have it increased in likelihood of happening)?

This is more of a general statement, but David, I’m always, always, always so impressed with the depth, research and detail that goes into your stories. Well done brother, great stuff.


Oh the Mustang sure is producing hit after hit after pedestrian hit alright.

I like Trees. Trust me. I also like Bacon. Both are not mutually exclusive because I sit under trees while eating bacon. I digress.