
Do you really think they would overlook this very basic scenario?

You could ask that question about literally every product ever..
Why does ferrari build sports cars when porsche does too? Rinse and repeat for every other product that has ever existed.

Products within a given category at the end of the day do often times almost identical things yet multiple companies and their

wow what a great counter argument.

Reads like a trump tweet

I don’t really have a reason to stand up for them, it’s just in my experience I haven’t heard that sort of sentiment.

Those parents have a point talking about how much has changed safety wise in the last 15 years, safety has increased substantially. However The ones that talk about keeping their kid around... that’s

Work in a office of millenials (60+), never heard anyone say this.
Where do you keep hearing this at? In fact I haven’t heard anyone say they “deserve” anything.. Maybe more pay but what generation doesn’t say that?

Yeah dude you could say that. Thats how the VAST majority of jobs work in America, you walk out with a self provided box of your shit and start applying cause they aren’t paying you anything either.

Did you really not understand thats how it works?

oddly enough on the street you still need to lay into it.

got into a cold tire slide on SV650 making a right and just stayed in it till it straightened up.

If it was a poorly produced piece with no style or flair you would be bitching about how cheap it looked.

“The more you have to hand off to the driver the worse their awareness is going to get” I don’t see this as a problem. What would the point be if you had to sit there and babysit the system? So what if people pay less attention, so what if they get distracted? These things happen now in non autonomous vehicles, Ill

That was good explanation for the video actually. Though I would argue you’re the lady pushing back against overwhelming evidence that contradicts what you truly believe.

You keep saying if it doesn’t work 100% of the time the system has failed, well apply that to people and you have one very broken system for

“I’d argue it’s almost impossible to get right” since were gonna quote each other now, the video clearly shows the “impossible” happening. I’m trying to even understand why you posted that video? What does it have to do with this?

lol the video contradicts exactly what you are saying. It is possible. Little red car with no autonomous driving capabilities gets in horrific accident while the vehicle that does have those capabilities avoids the accident entirely. The human driver would’ve been at highway speed when that little red car slammed into

Worked at a bank so I have a little more insight, they will take it. Then send a text to all the other branch managers about what just came in. Then the bidding starts if the branch manager doesn’t want to spend whatever the face value is on it. The customer or member will be given legal tender or have it properly

I’ll agree with you there, we may never know the exact amount the state gave as an incentive to get them to build there. I imagine the vast majority of that incentive was a tax break however which is basically the same as giving them money but without doing so. I could be wrong on that train of thought but I’m pretty

And Nevada did not give the Faraday Future any money..

Great counter argument buddy.

5000 ft lbs. at 2000 RPM? We’re still talking about a hellcat not a tug boat correct?

username checks out.
$20k? Are you serious dude? If so pshahahaha wow, you want the bleeding edge of tech for the price of a corolla. That doesn’t work in the real world homie.