
>> Heck no, I actually want my fans to like me when I write my books. -rimshot-

“Can you fly, Bobby?”

A few months back I was in a session with 8 other randos. Someone encouraged the rest of us to buy Faggios and roam the city. 10 minutes later there are five of us cruising around town on suped-up mopeds. We would stop at red lights and race to the next. You can go pretty fast on those things if you pop a wheelie!

Yeah. Guys, ever heard of a slider?

Angewomon can use Heaven’s Charm on me any time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)‎

*clicks and scrolls*

Jim will forever break the chains of love.

I wanted to post a Strange Brew gif of the McKenzies doing spot checks on beers at the factory, but no dice (meaning nobody’s done it yet on Google). :-(

Now playing

And here I thought they meant THESE Cars.

I’m not crying, you’re crying!


When you time that charge just right

I think if someone has to play any kind of card that could influence a dramatic change in a relationship (religion or politics, for example), then they’re going about the relationship wrong.

*reads headline and immediately goes to see if I got free money*

Yeah, not all of us have the ability to process “input” in such short times, even though everybody wants it that way =/

Yeah, not all of us have the ability to process “input” in such short times, even though everybody wants it that way

RE5 may not have had the spark of greatness that RE4 brought back...but it still fared somewhat better than RE6. Some of those boss fights were insane. This one was one of them.

I called the Rotten the Golgothian the first time I saw it.

George of the Jungle. Brendan Fraser, a younger Leslie Mann, and Thomas Haden Church. It’s one of those live action oldies but goodies.