
If they add the Grappling hook from Just Cause 2, then theyve struck pure gold

Am I the only one that's actually baffled that they showed multiplayer from inside a building?


This is apparently RPG year.

superior gif win!

She weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom-tooled cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute. It cost $400,000 to fire this weapon for 12 seconds.

Gargoyles in KH3...anyone?

I don't agree that his comments were "messed up" in the slightest. It was clearly not serious, clearly had no meaning behind it aside from releasing a bit of rage, and the fact that he got punished at ALL outside of "Don't do it again" is absolutely ridiculous.

Guys, if you want to take a chance and get the $12 deal for BL2 and spend another $30 just for the season pass and anywhere from $5-10 apiece for the char packs and skins and bonus stuff, go for it. Me? I did some digging and found out that Steam actually listed a Borderlands 2 GOTY edition a couple of days ago in

Fran from FFXII?

So, I'm wondering if anyone else is with me here. I read the first book in this series before season one came out on HBO and loved it, I didn't go any further to avoid too many spoilers while I enjoyed the show. Then something happened, within a few episodes, GoT became one of if not my favorite television show of all

Sorry, FF14. I know $30 on Amazon after their preorder credit and early access is tempting...but I can't get into monthly subscriptions on a PS3 title at all.

How could he see me....?

I am waiting for a friend to have his hand bandaged up so I can use, "Lemme guess. Was your dick on fire?" for a convo opener.

Now playing

First off, I remember seeing Demonik's trailers among many others for the Xbox 360 Launch and was curious of where it would wind up.

"Why so serious?"

To expand, I would give to see Peter Dinklage stretch his acting chops into an animated feature, let alone a Studio Ghibli film.

Jennifer Lawrence in anything sounds good.