
- "Hey Charlie..."
- "I'm Ben. Charlie's behind me."
- "Isn't that Carl? I think that's Carl."
- "No, I'm Ted; Carl's over by Rick."
- "That's not Rick, that's Bobby."
- "I thought Bobby died last week."
- "That was Tony, Tony died last week; I sent his family a letter."
- "You did what? I'm not dead you idiot!"
- "Guys, we

Jokes and one-liners are so not funny.

What I really want is Lego Game Of Thrones the video game.

Damn that'd be cool....

FFFFF... Ni No Kuni is gone.

FFFFF... Ni No Kuni is gone.


Oh, E3. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

that's why I love video games. Interactive entertainment you can pause. I'm a movie buff but I still get bored after 120 minutes typically especially if I have to pee and that's all I can think about but I don't want to miss that one fucking moment in the movie that defines it while I'm holding my dick releasing

If there's something way better about trading with people face to face is that you can punch the person when they're offering a level 1 Bidoof for a level 100 Mew

Holy smokes, the first 4 Seasons of Breaking Bad for $45 on DVD?

Now playing

Let's celebrate this moneysaver with the adding of awesome to great.

and why did I read that in his voice?

Loki's trickery strikes again!

seems this kid didn't understand the ending of Iron Man 3.

Now playing

This my feeling about PS4 and Xbox One killing old fashioned crtvs

The special features are incredible. If you can get the Collector's Edition of Season 1, it'll give you Blu-Ray and DVD and digital (iTunes or Amazon!) formats of the whole season. You also get a Blu ray disc for the first episode of Season 2 and a little Dragon's egg bust.

Guys, North American Playstation+ Promos for June.

I cried more tears of joy at watching the twitter lose its shit after Sunday's episode. A rare moment when not spoiling was a bigger troll than spoiling. Thank you, so much...

It didn't perform well because it was released only on the 360 outside of Japan. Very few of the JRPGs released on the 360 sold well. Especially when you compare the sales figures for the 360 versions compared to the sales figures for the PS3 versions of the multiplatform JRPGs.