
I am glad that Endgame delivered on an epic ending, but...Look at the catalog of titles above. Looks like 5 movies, and 5 shows set within a 2 year span. And that’s not counting Blade, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Black Panther 2, The Fantastic Four, X-Men, the next Captain Marvel...all slated for a 3 year span. In 5

Even I would walk out of that, going “And this was done by a she okay?”

You should play MTG Arena instead. It’s on PC, free to download, and you get a ton of free decks unlocked to hit the game going. And you can do plenty in game to build up your collection and participate in events.

And, it is a LOT cheaper and has virtually no physical clutter.

Basically, know your filetypes.
.AVI, .MKV, .MP4 are the normal video filetypes you deal with. Anything else that you get offered is best pushed aside.

There’s a movie in production. Let’s worry about getting the movie first.

That was one of the best elements of the show. Crichton basically brought humanization to a series that was nearly all aliens.

Farscape set a few standards for me.
First sci-fi TV series.
First regular exposure to Muppets.
First exposure to a legitimately strong female character in Aeryn Sun.
First exposure to Claudia Black (cause why not?).
And first exposure to one of my favorite protagonists in a series ever in the form of John Crichton.

I thought my limit was reached with Black Flag. I got to playing it around a time when pirates were a big deal (for me, it was Black Sails on Starz). I played it, and then I realized that every entry into the series after that would likely have not given me more of what I wanted from the series: To see an epic story

Considering Annie was doing the serial killer thing since she was a kid...I wouldn’t mind seeing a young Annie get flamboyant with the kills.

I honestly wish that the show is given enough time to grow so that we do see elements of other popular SK properties come into the picture. I do want to see elements of Hearts in Atlantis come into the picture so we can see Ted Brautigan appear in some form.

This series does have the opportunity to utilize what made TZ great AND take the kind of progressive, balanced strides that tend to show. If Jordan Peele pulls this off, then we need the eventual crossover of Black Mirror and Twilight Zone.

It’s a long standing debate.
For me, when it came to getting the shows on Blu-Ray, we got a whole thing of Twilight Zone but only had two seasons of Outer Limits available. I intend to get all of Outer Limits when it’s available.

This is from the Versus Battle article:
“The Twilight Zone was a series of morality plays

At this point, can’t people just decide if they want to watch the fucking movie for themselves and THEN make a judgement call?
All of the lead-up to this movie was making the rounds, and I paid attention to it enough to realize, once again, that this was going to be a movie I would have to make a decision on by myself.

Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos are in something together that isn’t the Killing?

Honestly, the idea isn’t that bad.
Imagine a Bubonic Plague style pestilence causing loads of people to die and then come back to life to spread it among the living. And along the way, people have to depend on safe havens which are walled castles, keeps, moated settlements, and all that. The only difference is that

While I admit that the Lego Movie set an amazingly high bar, and the Lego Batman movie was great to me as a Bat-fan, the Ninjago movie was alright. To hear that Lego Movie 2 is somehow able to match the greatness of the first movie is a rarity among films. Either a sequel underperforms or outdoes the original movie

I also approve of the Free With Ads option on Vudu. They do post quite a few good movies to enjoy.

I’ve been using Hulu for a while (and this is coming from someone who uses Vudu, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Netflix). I’ve found that the commercials they throw your way can be anywhere from 2-4 at a time, and can run around 1-2 minute batches at a time. Between that and going with No-Ads for double the price (especially

She gets pissy about the new Ghostbusters ignoring the 2016 movie and going for continuing the prior two movies, but didn’t the 2016 Ghostbusters try to ignore the prior two movies and do its own thing? She isn’t important enough to be “consulted”. This is a studio decision. It’s their money. Let them spend it however

Now playing

Here’s further evidence. Imagine Tom Hiddleston, channeling Loki, reading off the same words.