
I got a variant of this stand for people in my household. Has two slots at the back instead of a big open one, but the same design.

They are metal, so nice and rigid. They have a padded bottom to prevent scuffing or scraping. The “arm” that holds the phone up pivots in case you want to angle it any specific way. Open

I got a variant of this stand for people in my household. Has two slots at the back instead of a big open one, but

The sad thing have to watch this AND Double Dragon side by side, and pretend like they are alternate reality worlds with great adventures at the heart of them.

I can still watch this movie and enjoy it solely because I think of it as a sci-fi adventure movie that just has some characters with names identical

A barely finished masterpiece as an RPG. Storywise, it has some weird moments, but I find myself doing an LP or a playthrough every year or two.

I get the feeling that we just needed one more good example of a dwarf being awesome in the 2010s era...we have Tyrion Lannister, we have Varric...who else?

“That’s what I do, Turk. I write, I know, I drink, and I eat-”
“Your boyfriend’s arse?”
“Funny, your girlfriend thought that of you when I was with her. Least she’s fresh enough for my delicate palate.”

Firstly...thank fuck there’s another Lunar enthusiast. I am still saddened that Working Designs went under and we’ll never see those types of RPGs again.

Secondly, I remember when I got Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete in the whole package. I knew what it looked like and really wanted the game. When it got to a few

Now I want to see “Guston Burter” used for an alias somewhere...

If they do Psych as a franchise, there MUST be regular rips on existing franchises in the mix.

“God, I feel old. I feel like Vin Diesel still trying to be relevant in that action movie.”

“Fast and the Furious?”

“No this one had a hot girl in it.”

“Michelle Rodriguez.”

“And a black guy.”

“That is Fast and the Furious.”


I have the first 3 Assassin Creed’s. First one was good, second was amazing, then each sequel was a mix of good and bad for the so-called Ezio saga, then the third game did good enough.

But four? I never thought naval travel and combat could be so damned enjoyable, and in an Assassin’s Creed game, at that.

Alas, I have

For appreciating the quality that Vikings brought to tickle my Michael Hirst interests (after Tudors, the Borgias, Camelot, etc), The Last Kingdom did very well for itself. The second season ain’t perfect, but it brought more of what I wanted to see for the show and it did not disappoint.

Is this game worth $26 now?

Is this game worth $26 now?

What about the reverse?
Young mind in an old body...except that would probably be male-centric, wouldn’t it?

Is it worth $30 at this point?

I still have the Deluxe Bundle for Civ V to get through...

Is it worth $30 at this point?

I still have the Deluxe Bundle for Civ V to get through...

Can we just accept that Ash is hallucinating Pikachu talking to him? He’s needed how many seasons to prove he’s nuts for a kid?

The Turtles? Honestly, I thought that what they had here was a damned good middle ground. They hearkened back to the practical effects of the original movies, but don’t have outrageous CG up the ass to make them look weird like the Bay flicks did.

It is awesome in such a weirdly unique way.
The South Park guys, I think, have such an obsession with anime where you can see it in their latent work. I think it is such that a certain character’s “special attack” in South Park: The Fractured But Whole involves a giant “spiral drill”.

Jeez, I haven’t seen it since the Toonami/Adult Swim days late at night. Trying to recall if that song was used for the intro above...

For what it’s worth, I grew up on many of the Gundam series.
The ones I like the most feature perhaps the least bit of powercreep upon their lead characters:
8th MS Team, Gundam 0083 (Stardust Memory), and G Gundam are standouts.

I got tired of the whole “young prodigy gets a godline talent and becomes so OP they grow

I got back into OW to try out Mercy again and I was surprised by how her new ult just lets her zip around the map. While being able to control revives more easily outside of ult’s, her healing and damage up are unchanged. I do think that it’s a good balance. But at the same time, the whole idea behind Mercy was to

Let’s not forget Scout being able to phase out of time and zip even faster around the map with machine gun pistols.