the laughing jackyl

Well if you don’t understand the overall implications and are so naive in your moronic liberal fucktard logic there’s no help for you. Maybe snowflake you should study history of the various Clinton improprieties over the years.

Well dumb fuck if the media was doing their job these stories would have been out years ago not just coming out now. It’s clueless fucktards like you that haven’t been paying attention so now you think this is new.

What’s partisan exactly ? Considering that the media has failed to make the public aware of the depths of the various scandals surrounding the Clinton’s for decades and instead aiding and covering them up. The various failures of our government to do their jobs and instead use their political influence to serve their

All of the big 3 medias, ABC, NBC, CBS have spouses working for the Obama White House. No wonder the refuse to report half of these things.

The FBI have been compromised by the State Department which is in bed with the Clintons.

With the media supporting her, you think it will matter to her, the press or her minions?

Yeah, if ‘scary’ means ‘still trying to get to the truth’, then let’s get all Halloween on her ass. Either she’ll be let off the hook or charges will be filed, but it’s no less ‘scary’ than Trump’s tax returns. Another poor editorial choice but considering Giz is now owned by a Mexican company, I’ll expect more soft

The big point is is that she was told not to do this as it’s a risk to national security, yet here we are. Either she didn’t care or didn’t understand, both of which are disheartening.

She basically traded State Department access for donations to her foundation. To countries that care so much about human rights like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

I doubt that’s true. If they can ban Milo or Tila Tequila within a day for invading some leftist SJW’s safe space, they could ban everything else. They just don’t care.

Hillary literally giving weapons to terrorists yet you pivot to Trump. Predictable!

So let me get this straight. They “struggle” and take months to delete accounts promoting ISIS...but the minute Milo or some other right winger invades someone’s safe space, they get banned???

Third-rate shop-job, these. The gradients are way off. This is n00b work and I should know; I’ve been commenting on FARK since 2007.

I think gizmodo needs curfews for their night editors

Hacking that uncovers any government or political corruption regardless of party affiliation should be coded red, white and blue and the hacker should be awarded a medal.

I still won’t believe there’s a Cyborg movie until it is actually in theaters. I just don’t see it. I appreciate the diversity push with him, but he’s just not that interesting a characater to me.

It’s got electrolytes

What we need is a drastic reduction in population. We need to get the population down to a sustainable level that our current technology can handle. Where is a good war or virus when you need one?

Don’t tell apple that, didn’t they try to patent the “slate”, rectangle with rounded corners?

I mean this guy isn’t going to win, but your arguments are very flimsy and don’t seem to grasp what he’s claiming. He’s essentially saying he created the smartphone, and all the options in his drawings are basically smartphone features - so he’s going after the largest smartphone company.

Saying it’s not even close