the laughing jackyl

What I’m saying is this and this. While Russia might have organized the hack, the first news that they did it came from the DNC and the Clinton campaign. And what we have here are unnamed government sources, some of whom probably would like to work under a Clinton administration, reinforcing that narrative.


Yes. This is 100% a DNC conspiracy. Their fault and theirs alone that tensions are being ramped up.

It’s not the democrats making the accusation, it’s the department of homeland security.

US officials attempt to influence the election by claiming Russia hacked the DNC to influence the election. FTFY.

all the “R”’s and “N”’s were backward

How do they know?

Because they commented out sections with ☭...

I want to see the code. What makes them think it’s Russia? They do know that most malware is just slapped together from somebody else’s work.

Bay of pigs

Tell that to Iraq, Central America, and South America.

US is and has been for the last 4-5 decades actively instigating conflicts all over the world

(It’s really not, but you know all the leftist halfwits that comment on this site will proclaim it to be true.)

Since Obama got one for doing nothing....

3. Do absolutely nothing (2009 recipient)

Other Nobel Prizes mean something.

I don’t know why they don’t just make a new Gawker for news stories. Call it FlimFlam so it’s not actually called Gawker. Instead they choose to pollute all the other niche sites.

Go away, this isn’t gawker. I hope Univision cleans house and takes a squeegee to the scum like you that’s still clinging to the glass.

Matt Lauer::Journalism as meconium-filled baby diaper::Journalism

Jesus... None of that was even remotely funny.

I have to wonder how much marketing data on poor villagers in India and Africa is actually worth, though.